
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Sewing Essential - Bias Tape Maker

 Do you have one of these? I'm a relatively new user. I've always just made bias trim the old fashioned way...but NOT anymore!!! Nope...I love this thing! It's a definite Sewing Essential for sure! And it's available in a variety of sizes as well.

I was skeptical about how well it would work, and it exceeds all expectations. The Bias Tape Maker is super easy to use and makes beautiful bias tape QUICKLY!
Here's how....
First, fold the end of your fabric strip into a point. Insert into the back of your bias tape maker. With a pointed object, carefully pull the strip through the tool using the slot on the top to access it. 
Once through, make sure your strip is entering the back of your bias tape maker evenly. You'll want to check this occasionally as you work too. As you pull on the loop pictured on the left below, your folded tape will begin to come out of the front of your tool. Iron the folds as they do.

 Before you know it, you'll have yards and yards of beautiful trim ready to use. 
You can go ahead and iron the folded strips in half again to make your finished tape if you choose. 

This is the method I used to make the ties for the fat quarter aprons I've made for this month's project. 

Making bias trim just got fun!
The Bias Tape easy to use, practically efficient sewing essential.
For other handy gadgets I like to keep on hand in my sewing space, see the Sewing Essentials page at the top of the blog. 


  1. I bought one of these years ago and have never used it! Thank you, I will try it out today!

  2. @Roberta, your going to love it!!! :) Have'll be making bias all day!

  3. I bought one from a sale bin many years ago and it is the greatest tool! I use it to make hanging sleeves on the back of my quilts! I just don't fold it in the center after it's passed through the tool.

  4. I didn't know they made these! I will definitely be going to my local store to pick one up now!!!

  5. Oh I have never used one of these, great tutorial, I will have to pick some up now!

  6. I bought one of these last year. I was working on an applique project and the bias maker makes great flower stems as well.

  7. I have a couple of these in different sizes and have never used them, Kristy... not sure why. It'd stop burning my fingers with steam.

  8. I have been meaning to buy one of these for the last couple of years and keep forgetting to, but I hand make bias tape a lot for (charity) dresses.

    Thank-you for reminding me, running over to e-bay now.


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