
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Easy Catnip Toys Tutorial with Template

How's your sewing for our furry friends project going??? 
I've got a fun tutorial that is a perfect scrap buster for you that would be great for May's Project!

Catnip Toys

They are so fast, fun and easy to make! Are you ready???

Supplies Needed:
Fabric Scraps, Thread, Stuffing, Catnip, Sewing Machine, Pinking Shears
Optional - Embroidery floss, ribbon for enhanced features

Print and cut out your template. The template includes shapes and suggestions for a fish, mouse and bird.

With your fabric folded wrong sides together, trace your template shape onto your fabric scrap. Using a disappearing ink pen would be ideal if you have one.

Stitch right on top of your pen marks around your shape, leaving a small opening for stuffing.

 Trim around your shape using pinking shears.

Stuff the toy with a small amount of polyester fiber stuffing and add your catnip.

 Sew the opening closed, and you're done!
Repeat again and again!

Quick, easy, cute and a great way to give back this month!



  1. Adorable, what a great idea!! My sister is the one with the cat, but she would most certainly accept gifts of catnip. ;)

  2. Great idea to simply sew around and pink the. Cute and practical!

  3. What a great idea! I think these would make a great gift for my next door neighbor she has lots of cats. ;)

  4. Love not having to turn them right side out!

    Another super easy shape to make is just a long somewhat thin rectangle. That way cats can hold them in their front paws and kick them with the back. My sister's cat LOVES "kickers".

  5. my niece she loves skirts and she love to twirl about.


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