
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sewing to Rebuild - Join the efforts to GIVE BACK to OK families!

We interrupt this regularly scheduled Monthly Project to share with you a tangible need that you can help with! 

You can get all the details, address for shipping and links to a variety of free patterns on THIS POST at Pattern Revolution. 

I will resume sewing for our May Project when they have a minimum of 101 items in their flickr group album of donations here. 

Join me and MANY others in the sewing community and lets all show our care and support for the families of Oklahoma who are dealing with so much right now.
Every Stitch Matters.


  1. Such a wonderful thing to do! My Mom and sister live an hour outside of Tulsa and Thank God they are safe. I will be sewing. Thank you Kristy for linking us over to Suzanne and thanks to the sponsors for donating their patterns and for their support. All of us together can and will make a difference.


  2. This is on my list for weekend projects, I think it's a GREAT idea! I love that pattern makers are donating patterns for the cause and that so many are stitching up items. I can't imagine loosing everything, even though they are just things, to children, just having a special dress or toy has got to be life changing at this point in their lives. <3

  3. This is on my list for weekend projects, I think it's a GREAT idea! I love that pattern makers are donating patterns for the cause and that so many are stitching up items. I can't imagine loosing everything, even though they are just things, to children, just having a special dress or toy has got to be life changing at this point in their lives. <3


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