
Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger Hiccups, Postal Crushes and Giveaway Winners! :)

Yea I know, lots to cover huh!? 

Hiccups in Blog Land! Not sure what is up with Blogger right now, but it has been out of commission most of the day and  my blogs are missing posts like everyone else. Hopefully they will get it all straightened out soon.

Nonetheless, got some fun stuff to share today! If my postman knew how excited I got when he started up my driveway, he'd swear I had a crush on him! lol! He delivers all my lovely fabrics and patterns though!
I'm a sucker for a good sale. And when it's a sale that has to do with sewing, well, you've certainly got my attention! The Fat Quarter Shop is having a HUGE pattern sale! And of course, I had no trouble at all finding several that just HAD to become part of my stash!

This book by Riley Blake Designs called Eye Candy was certainly a steal of a deal! At ONLY $4.99 I had to have it! It's even better than I expected! Not only is it full of amazing quilt patterns, photos and inspiration, it also  has some fun sewing projects including a tiered skirt that just happens to be the size of one of my daughters! YAY! Plus, there are recipes for yummy treats all throughout the book. Over 50 pages of delightful, creative goodness for less than $5! Made my day! :)

Oh yea, and this sweet fabric. Isn't it just adorable? Gonna plan something special for it...just not sure what yet. In the meantime, I'll just enjoy looking at it!
I have to say, the Fat Quarter Shop took such care with the packaging....obvious that it came from folks who appreciate patterns and fabric just as much as I do. Gotta love that!

OK! OK! I know you are ready to hear who won the MODKID rag doll panels, so here ya go.... says comments Number 1
Erin Stewart Hill said...
What a thoughtful giveaway! I would love to have a crafty night with friends to assemble the dolls and some clothes for them. We would donate them to a local charity (Kingdom's Kloset) that provides bags of clothing and toys to children entering foster care.
AND 5,
BarefootTams said...
These would be such fun to win. My daughter would love it! She loves to get involved in my sewing! We'd give away a couple of the dolls as well.

Congratulations ladies! If you left an email, I'll be emailing you shortly to get your mailing addresses so you can sew dolls with me this month! Thanks to everyone who participated and made it even more exciting! There will of course be more sewing and treats to come, so stay with us and sew with us!

Have a great weekend!

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