
Monday, August 1, 2011

August Project - Back To School HERE & THERE!

We're teaming up with the gals over at Ladybird Ln. and Someday Crafts to celebrate BACK TO SCHOOL for the month of August as a Crafting for a Cause project!!! Together, we hope to broaden the impact of this month's project!

For August's Monthly Project theme, we are doing...

I'm sure many of you are getting in the mode for all the back to school preparations. The shopping lists of notebooks, pencils, crayons and backpacks are are the aisles of these goodies at the local chain stores! For the "HERE" part of our project, we want to encourage you to purchase a little extra of these supplies to donate to others. You can donate to a specific child in need or your own child's classroom. If you pause for a second, I'm sure you can instantly think of how this simple gesture could be a huge help and encouragement! I also wanted to introduce you to "Kids In Need Foundation".
 Their mission is to ensure that every child is prepared to learn and succeed by providing free school supplies nationally to students most in need.

Now, for the "THERE" part of our project....and the sewing part! :)
I wanted to offer you the opportunity to consider a "back to school" item many probably never think about.

In many parts of the world, girls are unable to attend school during their menstrual cycle due to lack of regular feminine products. The option of disposable products just isn't realistic or available for many, so these girls are often found trying to use whatever possible or missing out entirely. 
That's where our plan of sewing this unusual "Back To School" necessity comes in! 

This obviously isn't a new need, but one that will always be present.
I recently read of the efforts of the Girls Only Project being hosted by blogger Lara at The Farmer's Wife Tells All. She is gathering supplies for 25 young ladies living in an orphanage in Uganda. She has had a great response, and if you are looking for a free online pattern for cloth pads or a place to send the ones you make, I encourage you to check out her project.

Additionally, here is a list of other places to find free cloth pad patterns/tutorials:
Reusable Menstrual Products  (this site has AMAZING info!!!)
As for where to donate the finished pads, here are a few suggestions: (offers an extensive list of recipients!) 
Girls Only Project (mentioned above)
or if you know of a local church or organization traveling for a mission trip, this is an easy to carry, light-weight donation that would be meaningful to women of all ages. I will be sending the pads I make to a missionary I am connected with in Cambodia.

We hope you will join us in giving back this way! We have a goal of 250 cloth pads!
PLEASE HELP US REACH (or better yet, exceed!) OUR GOAL!!!
Sounds big I know, but with a little participation from a lot of folks, I know we can do it! And just think of all the sweet young ladies lives that will be touched! Whether you make 3 or 30, every. single. one. matters!
Since we appreciate every bit of participation, we have put together some very nice prizes for those who help spread the word and sew along! :)  I will announce the first prize of the month tomorrow from our fabulous and generous friends at the Fat Quarter Shop....and let me tell you...OH BOY!!! You are gonna want in on this!!!

So, please take a moment to add this button to the sidebar of your blog for the month of August.

Back to School

Share about the project on facebook, twitter or with local friends who love sewing and helping others. The more the merrier and the greater impact we can have!

Looking forward!


  1. Wow--I would have never thought about this before. I've added the button to my blog and will do what I can to help!

  2. I have also added the button to my blog. I will talk about it at our quilt guild meeting on Wed nite!

  3. Hi! Joining you from Laydbird Ln. New follower. I am also joining in your cause. Have a wonderful day!


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