
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kathy's Lace & Elastic Outlet WINNER!!!

Huge THANKS to Kathy's Lace & Elastic Outlet for offering this 
$30 Surprise Sewing Supplies Giveaway!!!

The lucky winner of this great prize is
Christy ... 9
Who said: I follow you, and I would love some of the baby elastic for head bands! Thanks for the giveaway!

Watch your email (or spam) for a message from me so I can get your information to Kathy so she can ship out your fun prize, so you can get to creating!

Thanks to all of you who entered!
And remember to check out the latest giveaway from Be A Voice!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! So Excited. I have a niece that this will be perfect for! :) Thanks so much.


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