
Monday, November 21, 2011

Weekend FIND!!!

I stumbled upon quite a surprise this weekend!
I had to stop by JoAnn's while we were out doing our Thanksgiving shopping. I just needed some white thread for my serger, so it wasn't a particularly exciting fabric scavenging trip. But then....I came around the corner to this big ol' box and what caught my eye was this fabric peeking out the top,
  It's a print called "Sew Wow, Sew Now" by Alexander Henry and I've had my eye on it for a bit, but haven't been able to find the yardage locally. Well, now that I've seen it in hand, I want it even more! It's wonderful! But that wasn't the find.

This was!
It's a new sewing chair! I'm so excited too! I really needed one! And it opens for storage inside,
But the best part is the price! You aren't going to believe it!!!

The regular price for the chair was $189. It was on sale for $99....but look closer....see that little sticker on the left? It says "damaged" $25! Once I saw that I had to dig into the box to see what the damage was, and this was it...
Yes, one broken caster! And I think I have one in the basement....if I can find it....if not, hubs says he can get one at Home Depot inexpensively. 

But I'm not done yet! :) Nope. Apparently there was an additional sale going on and the chair rang up $79 plus the "damaged" discount which made it $20, PLUS I had a coupon for $5 off a $25 purchase....and since I did remember the thread I actually went for I was at the $25, so I ended up getting myself a new, and much needed sewing chair for $15!!!! And one I really love too!
That's my kind of deal!
I can't wait for my mom to visit this week, she's gonna be so jealous! ;)

Now I've gotta find some more of that fabric....etsy here I come!


  1. Oh WOW! What a deal! I love that fabric (and have a yard hoarded in my stash until I decide the BEST use for it, which means my heirs will one day be having to get rid of it) What a great find!

  2. Too funny! I know my heirs will be doing the same one day! lol! I've already instructed them it is NOT to be taken to a thrift shop but rather given to someone who has the love! I was lucky enough to recently receive some delightful vintage goodies this way and expect the love to carry on! ;)

  3. WOW! Great find!! YAY! I love the fabric too.

  4. wow! I am a teensy - or alot jealous! that is an amazing chair and great deal! and a coaster is such an easy fix too!

  5. That's a really cute pattern! And... an awesome steal!

    Following from blog hop. :)

  6. Now, that's a bargain!!! Love the fabric. It looks perfect on the chair.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. fabulous deal!!! My closest Hobby Lobby had this print awhile back and I got 1/2 yd of it. I love it and now I have to find me a chair to redo with it ;)

  9. Congrats on your steal! I have a new sewing chair too, and I love it!

  10. Love it! and I love the fabric too! Finding bargains is right up my alley! Congrats. =)

  11. I just saw that fabric this past Saturday at Hobby Lobby :)

  12. love the fabric, love the chair and LOVE the price! You are one lucky gal!


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