
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Mysterious.....very Mysterious! (giveaway) :)

So in case you hadn't noticed, all the dress making around here is getting some pretty amazing attention about the web. I mean, have you seen our album overflowing with beautiful dresses? We are well on our way to our DOUBLE GOAL of 200 dresses in April for Dress A Girl Around the World and I don't doubt for a minute that we will reach it....possibly even surpass it!

Well, I received an email from a very kind and generous person who wanted to anonymously offer a gift of sewing goodness to one of our dress seamstresses this month!
The seamstress of one of the dress entries in our April Project Flickr Album will be chosen to receive a surprise package of fabric and sewing supplies, shipped internationally!
So keep sewing those beautiful dresses for Dress A Girl! All the details about our efforts are at the top of the sidebar and there is still plenty of time to participate and be part of this exciting outreach!

And remember, there will also be a winner of a beautiful dress made just for that special girl in your life! You can see that post here. Winners for both the dress and surprise sewing supplies package will be selected and announced Monday, April 30th as part of our FINALE celebration.

I love watching this awesome community come together in support of using our gifts and talents to give back. Whether it's by sewing or offering gifts to those who are, it's such a touching and encouraging thing to witness!
Every Stitch Matters!


  1. How cool ! I'm glad I joined in to help you with your cause ! :D

  2. Wow, an anonymous donation? That is an amazingly generous thing to do. And very exciting! More dresses to come soon from me!

  3. Wow! What a wonderful and generous thing to do! <3 I love that all the kindness you start just keeps growing through all those around you that you inspire.

  4. How awsome that giving brings more giving :)

  5. That is awesome! I love this community!


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