
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Using Ribbon as Bias Tape

 I ran out of bias tape that matched the fabric I was working with the other night, but had some ribbon that matched perfectly, so thought I'd share with you all how ribbon can be used in place of bias case you find yourself in the same situation at some point! ;) 

It's very simple. Start by choosing a ribbon wide enough to cover the raw edge easily, I used and recommend a 3/4" or wider. In my opinion, a grosgrain or other sturdy type ribbon works best. Satin ribbons are pretty but are more likely to slide while you are stitching, and if being donated, may not hold up under the rigorous washing and wearing the dress may experience.
 You can iron a fold in your ribbon if you like or simply fold and pin it in place along the raw edge as you go.
 Pin all along the raw edge until completely covered.
 Stitch in place being sure to catch the back side of the ribbon as you go. This can be done with a zig zag stitch to help ensure that the underside is easily caught in the stitching.
 There you have it! A neatly finished edge that also provides a nice coordinating trim.

And here are my dresses. 1 using Bias Tape and 3 using Ribbon.

Dress sewing is so much fun!
Especially with all of you sewing along! :)


  1. Oh that's awesome! A lot of times I can't find the right color bias tape, so this will be a great substitute. Thanks for sharing!


  2. Oh I love learning new tricks! Fabulous idea, and I love the look of it too. Pinned!

  3. Thanks Destri! I'm so glad it will be helpful! I love simple and practical solutions that use things I already have on hand.

  4. They are so beautiful! Love that flower print - it is bright and cheerful :)

  5. Awesome! Thanks so much, I'm making a cradle bumper and don't have any bias tape for the ties but I have some ribbon. I'm pregnant and due in 1 week. Thank you thank you!!

  6. Is the ribbon durable through multiple machine washings?

  7. Oh! I'm so glad to find this. I'm living in China and bias tape doesn't seem to exist.

    I was hoping to find a substitute. Yay!

    Has the ribbon held up okay through use?

  8. @wyomingnot, these were donated, but on dresses I have used with my girls, grosgrain ribbon seems to be the most durable. Satin like ribbons will fray after multiple washings, so just look for something that feels durable. Best of luck! :)


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