
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

VOTE for Hopeful Threads!

 WOW! I received a surprise email that a super nice person had nominated me for the 2012 Handmade Olympics at the rikrak studio! If that wasn't thrilling enough, Hopeful Threads made the judge's SHORTLIST! The best part yet.....the event I've been nominated for, Event #5, is all about using your craft and talent to give back! LOVE IT!!!! What an honor!!!

Voting closes April 27th.
There are actually 7 Events to vote in, so you'll want to take a look around. LOTS of creative inspiration to be found!
And if you want to vote for me in support of what WE do here at Hopeful Threads, you can do so here, in Event #5.

A huge, humble and heart-felt thanks for the nomination and recognition! What an honor!
 I am blessed to be a part of this giving community and am blown away that I have the amazing privilege of being able to give back while doing something I love as much as sewing!
Blessings & Gratitude,


  1. You've got my vote! Well deserved nomination! Good luck!

  2. Oh that's awesome! I'm so happy for you! I'm going right now and cast my vote for you! :D


  3. Kristy, I will vote for you but don't know where to go vote

  4. WoW!! Congratulations Kristy!! I know you have and do so much for others. I know you have touched my heart and inspired me. I voted and the Best of Luck!!


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