
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Counting Blessings

There are so many things in life that can cast doubt, sadness or even at times hopelessness that make it even more important to pause and absorb the special moments. 
Today, that's what I'd like to do.
This week I received a remarkable gift. A gift that has left me feeling inspired, humbled and overwhelmingly blessed. A gift from the heart of a friend. 
A gift that she poured herself into.....for me.
While I wish I could take credit for this beautiful creation, the gifted artist behind this one of a kind piece is my friend Melissa from Sew BitterSweet Designs
Isn't it amazing???!!!
I absolutely love it! It inspires me to want to create even more!
If someone had asked me what I would have wanted a wall hanging like this to look like, I wouldn't have known how to tell them that this is exactly it. I love everything about it! The colors, the fabric prints, the chevron design, the backing...
And most importantly, the meaning behind it. 
Melissa chose to send this to me as her way of participating in this month's project of Care 4 Caregivers. To recognize me as a caregiver that has influenced her life. 
That leaves me humble, grateful and speechless.
 Look how it matches a little plaque I already had hanging in my room...
  It makes me so happy every time I look at it!
And it has proudly found the perfect home in my sewing studio....
 ...right above where I work!
I've been collecting a bunch of different sized embroidery hoops and I'm thinking I may finally fill each with favorite fabric prints I find to scattered around it. But for now, I think it's perfect just as it is!

This gift is a reminder to me of the "Why?" behind Hopeful Threads.
Sewing projects, pattern reviews, giveaways....they're all fun and I love sharing them with each of you...but the relationships within in this community are priceless to me! And I continue to be blessed by these relationships, whether it be precious Chinese nannies that share enthusiastic gratitude for the bibs we sent for the children in their care or like-minded (and creatively talented!) friends who encourage me daily. 
Thank you all for being a part of Hopeful Threads and a part of my life. 
Thank you Melissa for this touching gift. I will cherish it always.


  1. It's magnificent, Kristy!!! You really are an inspiration and a role model to others!!! The world is definitely a better place due to people like you.

  2. I'm just so happy that you like it! You are an inspiration to us all, thank you for all that you do!

  3. Just awesome - looks fabulous in that spot. What an amazing gift, and so glad that she remembered you are, indeed, a caregiver. Hugs ~ Mary

  4. so true quilters are amazing bunch of people

  5. Oh I'm so happy to hear that Melissa thought of you and did such a wonderful thing for you. You really are an inspiration and so deserving.

  6. Absolutely beautiful gift, so well deserved. Melissa and you are both such very special and gifted women. Smart thinking, Melissa - love this quilt.
    I am so touched by this post. No words. Kristy, you truly are a "caregiver" for many and a "giver" to many.

  7. Wow, thank you for sharing your kind and encouraging words. This gift is so very meaningful to me and I accept it with a desire and inspiration to make others feel just as special as I did receiving it, by using my talent to give back more.

  8. THat is so sweet of her! I love it! And you really deserve it. Glad someone recognized you for all you do!

  9. It's beautiful Kristy! you deserve it, you are so wonderful!

  10. It's gorgeouse and I love the color combos! You sooo deserve it.
    Do you know what line the backing fabric is? I LOVE it!
    Keep up the good work!!!

  11. That is so sweet! You are an inspiration to us all :)

  12. Cute workspace and what a beautiful wall hanging from Melissa!!


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