
Friday, June 8, 2012

Izzy & Ivy Pattern GIVEAWAY! 3 Winners!

 How would you like your own Ruthie's Romper pattern?
It's your luck day!
 Izzy & Ivy Designs is giving 3 Ruthie's Rompers patterns away...1 each to 3 of you! Just follow the Rafflecopter prompts below for entry. Be sure to include answers and/or links as noted for your entry to qualify.

Winners will be announced and emailed Tuesday, June 12th and have 48 hours to respond.
Thanks for entering and thank you Izzy & Ivy for inspiring us with your creativity and generosity!


  1. Such a sweet pattern. Thanks for the chance to win, Kristy...

  2. We have a Ruthie in our family... great names for your patterns! Love the colors you use too!


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