
Friday, June 1, 2012

June Monthly Project Announcement!

The focus for June at Hopeful Threads will be....

I know many are adjusting to a new schedule of summer break and gearing up for vacations, family gatherings and such, so I thought it would be nice to focus our attention this month on what we can do for those closest to us. Our Families.

My friend Bonnie of Fishsticks Designs is participating in a challenge of "52 Family Projects in 2012" which I think is such a great idea! Like her, I sew all the time, but often the requests of my family members, or just taking the time to make something special for them "just because" gets pushed down the To Do List. Well, not this month! Let's sew for our families this month and show them our love through our handmade gifts made especially for them!

I'm super excited about this myself!
My ever growing list of possibilities is certainly more than I'll be able to accomplish this month, but I'm sure going to have fun trying! I love sewing for my family so much and seeing their faces when I give them something I've made just for them. I love seeing them wear clothes I've made for them and proudly tell those who compliment them that "Mama made it!". :) Talk about gratification!!!

I'll be sharing the projects I complete, and I hope you will do the same so we can inspire and encourage one another. I also have some fun surprises, likely a few new pattern reviews and I think I might even throw some of my favorite summer recipes in there too! It's going to be great fun!

Start brainstorming on what you can sew for which of your family members and let's love on our loved ones a little extra this month. :)
On your mark...


  1. Family are the most important people in our lives, so this is a great idea!!!

  2. I am sew excited about this one!

  3. I think you just gave me the encouragement I need to work on some doll clothes, etc. for my girls. Thanks.

  4. Awesome! This is timely, my son keeps reminding me what I promised to sew him and my daughter wants to learn to use the machine. (eek)

  5. Project #1 for me is a sock kitty for my MIL for her b-day in 2 weeks. I bought the kit with the intention of making it for Christmas, but life happened. It will get done in time! Thanks for the kick in the pants! :)

  6. Perfect timing, I have 4 family birthdays this month and always try to make something handmade. Gotta get thinking and sewing.

  7. Wonderful! So excited and can't wait to see what everyone makes for their families this month! :)

  8. With new grandchildren and greatgrandchildren making the scene recently I've rediscovered my love of sewing. I've spent the last few years knitting and crocheting, enen doing macrame but these arts take time, months at times. Sewing and embroidery lets me keep up!!

  9. Like you Erin, I like the quick gratification of sewing projects. :) I've yet to tackle the art of crochet/knitting....I leave that to my mom and daughter. (for now!)


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