
Friday, July 6, 2012

Making Progress???

I want to offer a HUGE "Thank You!" for all the amazing response I've received to this month's project! How's the shorts sewing going??? Have you checked our Flickr Album yet? Yep, there are already shorts there! :)

Let me know if you have any questions and don't forget the pattern being offered by Fishsticks Designs this month as a gift for those participating! :)

Hope you have a great weekend and get to sew at least a little....I know I'm hoping to!


  1. I haven't had a chance to start yet, I'm hoping once I get my house back to myself though... :)

  2. I'm starting this weekend! I have my fabric and I'm excited to get started!!!

  3. I have 6 pairs of shorts cut out and ready to sew. I'm just trying to find the time. I spent the entire morning at the ER with my son for what turned out to be an over cautious radiologist-my son's fine. Once we were released and he was fed, we had to go get little sister from Grandma's house and there went my day! Maybe I'll get them done tomorrow.

  4. Oh Tammy! I'm glad he is ok! And please don't let this add any pressure to your days...there is still plenty of time and many others sewing! Always delighted to have you as a part, but let it fit where it will best for your family. :)

  5. I just wanted to share with you another free pattern to shorts your sewists can use! It's here:


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