
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Blog Makeover - Designs by Jenn

For those of you who have been around Hopeful Threads for a while, you might have noticed some changes over the past couple of months. The overall look, layout and function of my blog has been evolving from the start, but I really needed some help bringing it all together, creating a more clear and consistent flow and freshening my look. 
That's where Designs by Jenn came in.
I had seen Jenn's work on several other blogs and really liked how creative and different each were, but especially, how each was personally designed to match the blogger. So, I emailed her to find out if she could help me, and am delighted that she did!

I provided a specific list of the things I wanted to add and change about my blog and she went to work knocking them off of the list one at a time.
Let me share a few of the things she has done...

  • Jenn created the fun new chevron print to compliment my logo and kind of simplify and tie together the information of my sidebar. I love it! It's bold, fresh and says "Hopeful Threads" in a way I didn't even know how to describe to her. 
  • She helped me to adjust my fonts to make them easier to read and provided a fun new signature for my posts too.
  • She designed a grid for my sponsor ads that rotates each time you visit my blog or change pages here. This allows my sponsors to receive balanced exposure since you will see their ad image in a different spot each time you visit the blog. Thank you Jenn!!! I know this was extra work, but it's exactly what I wanted!
  • My "Pattern Review" and "Tips & Tutorials" pages were growing and looking kind of sloppy the way they were set up. Jenn has created a neat grid for each and provided the code for me to be able to easily add to them ongoing. Again, LOVE IT!!!
There are other things you may notice as well, and I'm so grateful for all the help she provided! She was so wonderful about trying stuff and letting me decide what I liked best. She never hesitated to make changes or adjust things differently when I had suggestions. She listened to what I wanted and went about finding a way to make it happen. I am so pleased with the finished product too!

You can find Jenn and learn more about the services she provides on her blog/site here.
You can also find her on facebook here

Thank you so much Jenn! I love what you did for my blog!


  1. The blog looks great! You do such great work with your busy hands and big heart.

  2. @garnniegee, thank you so much for your encouraging words! :)


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