
Friday, February 1, 2013

February 2013 - Monthly Project Announcement!

We have a unique opportunity to provide for 2 specific needs this month, presented by 2 members of the Hopeful Threads community and I am SUPER excited about them both!!!
The theme for this month's project is "Dinner for 2".
We will be sewing CHILD SIZED bibs for the Hidden Treasures Home of Loaves and Fishes International in China and ADULT SIZED bibs for residents of Grace Nursing Home in Louisiana.

I absolutely LOVE how this project came together!
Our connection with the nursing home, Anita, came to learn of Hopeful Threads while shopping at her local fabric store. She began talking with another customer about her desire to provide bibs for all of the residents there, all 128 of them, and how it would take her a while, but she was working on it. She wanted to make their meal times more enjoyable. The customer she was talking to just happened to be part of our Hopeful Threads community (BIG CHEESY GRIN HERE!!!) and encouraged her to get in touch with me to see if we could help. Anita did so, and the genuine love and desire to help others was so very clear in her email that I was immediately on board and knew we would help her however we could! I have been gathering info and links to patterns/tutorials, by dear friend Bonnie at Fishsticks Designs also emailed me. She has a friend whose daughter is preparing to head to the Hidden Treasures Home soon, to serve there full time for at least the next 2 years. During their last visit, they received the special request of child sized bibs. Many of the children in their care are older and with a variety of special needs, so bibs are a necessity....and the right sized bibs, a special treat! They drafted this pattern on a paper bag to send back in hopes of having some larger bibs made. Take a moment to read the touching inscription on the bag....

Well, little did they know this would end up in the hands of a fabulous pattern designer! :)
Bonnie has taken their sketch and turned it into a PDF pattern specifically for our project to sew for the Hidden Treasures Home! 

They have asked that we NOT use velcro type closures, since they can be irritating for the children. Instead, the pattern provides options for ties and snaps. 
You can download the FREE pattern here on the Fishsticks Designs blog. Bonnie also has lots of great information about the precious children we'll be sewing for AND a special discount code for PUL (water resistant) fabric to back the bibs with!!!
Thank You Fishsticks Designs!!!

For those sewing ADULT BIBS, Anita has specified that of the 128 residents of the nursing home, 28 are males. She wants each person to have at least 1 bib of their own and has been steadily sewing herself. She has been using one of the variations of the Simplicity #2687 pattern, if you would like to look into that pattern. Otherwise, I have gathered a list of free tutorials to share with you.
If you know of others, please feel free to leave a link in the comments. 

So who's ready to help get this project started?!?!?!?!
I've already chosen some fabrics for both the children and adults and am so excited to get started!

I've created a February Project Album here for you to share pictures of your donations. This will also help us to keep track of our progress and see if we need to adjust our sewing focus at anytime throughout the month. Besides, it's always so encouraging and inspiring to see what everyone is sewing! :) So, please add your pictures as you sew! (there's sometimes even the bonus of some prizes selected from the album entries!) 

When you are ready to ship, email me for the address(es) you need, as the Adult Bibs will be sent directly to Anita and the Children's Bibs to Bonnie. If you have any questions at all, again, just let me know. I'm very happy to help and am looking forward to a very enjoyable month of sewing with you!

Lastly, I hope you will take a moment to consider, like Anita, those around you that you might could encourage or help through your sewing, and also get to know a little more about Loaves and Fishes International and the very meaningful and life saving work they are doing. A visit to their photos page to see some of the smiling faces that might wear your lovingly handmade bibs is sure to squeeze your heart! So blessed to be a part through this project!

Grab the project "button" from the sidebar, add it to your own blog or website and invite everyone you know that sews to join us! 
Because.....Every Stitch Matters!


  1. Yay! I can't wait to see the Flickr album fill up with beautiful and handsome bibs for little ones and grown-ups alike!

  2. Those are the cutest bibs ever! I love your photo's too: on the clothesline.... so adorable... :)

    hugs x

  3. What an awesome project!

    Just for clarification, do the bibs need to be PUL backed?

  4. Hi Jenny!
    PUL backed is best, but certainly not required. The older children need it to simply help stay dry. Thanks!

  5. Kristy, I am so happy to see this is your next project!! Anita was so sweet and I could see in her eyes what a wonderful and loving person she was!
    I will make some adult bibs for you!

    Seamingly Smitten

  6. Another great project, Kristy!

  7. opps! I forgot to those bibs, they are really nice

  8. 2 questions. Can we use laminate fabrics for the kids ones or do we have to get the PUL? Just trying to use what I have in my stash already. Second question: do the adult bibs need to be water proof? Thanks!!!

  9. I'm in! I'll start with some kids-size bibs and see if I can do a few adult ones as well.
    Do the adult one need to be backed with PUL fabric?

  10. Wonderful! And not necessarily. The child sized ones have the job of soaking up drool for our special friends at the Hidden Treasures home....want to help keep their clothing dry. The adult ones are more to keep clothing clean during meals. Thanks so much for your interest and willingness to jump in! :)

  11. Oh my gosh Nature's Choice gave me free shipping in addition to the 10% off. What a pleasant surprise!

  12. I would love to participate, however I need to work with what I have in my stash, which is a lot of flannel and quilting cotton. I know you said its okay to not use the PUL, but I have never made a bib before so I was wondering if anyone can help me out by telling me what would be the best and most absorbent layering using quilting cotton and flannel?! I was thinking either three layers of flannel or maybe one layer of quilting cotton and two of flannel??


  13. Hi Denise!
    The water proof backing isn't a requirement, especially for the adult bibs, just a suggestion based on what they are being used for. :)

    Yes, cottons/flannel will make a great bib combo! I think 1 layer of cotton/2 of flannel will likely be easier to sew/dry so it's not to thick. Any combo is welcome and very much appreciated though! :) Best to you!

  14. Hi Kristy, I noticed that I was getting some hits from this post but recently moved my website. If you have time and would like to update the link to the Adult Bib Apron, it is here:

    Thank you!



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