
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sewing Essential - Seam Ripper

 One of the most basic "sewing essentials", but also one of the most practical and useful is the Seam Ripper. Whether you are a beginning seamstress or a seasoned stitcher, this tool is an absolute must have! I just opened a new one I got for Christmas and it reminded me to share with you the value of this small gadget. 

 The blade of the seam ripper is very sharp and can easily cut through sewn threads.
The pointed metal end is carefully slipped between the two layers you wish to separate and gently pressed against the threads to cut them. The red "ball-like" tip is there to guide you and prevent the opposite point of the blade from tearing your fabric. 

Being that they are rather inexpensive tools, and that they can indeed dull with use....not that I would know from experience and own several dull's certainly worth having a couple in your "sewing essentials" box.  :)

To see other items I consider "sewing essentials" see the tab at the top of the blog.


  1. Ha! As a newbie sewer...I know this tool all too well...and I hate when I have to use it! LOL

  2. Wouldn't be without my trusty seam ripper! and to Jessica above, it doesn't matter whether you're new or experienced that seam ripper still gets plenty of use!

  3. Couldn't sew without my seam ripper.. LOL!!!

  4. Because you are SOOOOO awesome I have passed on the Epically Awesome Award of Epic Awesomeness to you!!!!

  5. Excellent post and I just finished going thru all the sewing essential posts. Good read! Thanks!

  6. My seam ripper is actually a scalpel. I got it at a quilt store where my dad lives. I have to order refills for it if I go to long before I go back to his house but I like it so much better than the traditional seam ripper. I do have to be careful not to slip and cut my fabric.

  7. Thanks all! Glad to hear I'm not the only one giving those little gadgets plenty of use! :)

    @kathy....glad you enjoyed the Sewing Essentials too....they are some of my favorite posts to write! :)

  8. Oh, the seam ripper. I never knew the true meaning of a "love-hate relationship" until I met the seam ripper. Love your sewing essentials posts, Kristy!

  9. It's wonderful to see justice being given to this non-descript little tool.

    I bought one years ago and misplaced it. The replacement one had a cheap and nasty feel and I never liked it. Eventually number 1turned up again. I was surprised how pleased I was.

    Our tools become second nature to us and if you don't like the first stitch ripper you buy look around for another one, probably a better quality one. They are all still cheap to buy.

    I find it useful for undoing seams and cutting off buttons on old clothes I am recycling. In fact it is not a love hate relationship. It is the time when I am having ambitious and impatient ideas abot the new item I am eager to create.

  10. It's wonderful to see justice being given to this non-descript little tool.

    I bought one years ago and misplaced it. The replacement one had a cheap and nasty feel and I never liked it. Eventually number 1turned up again. I was surprised how pleased I was.

    Our tools become second nature to us and if you don't like the first stitch ripper you buy look around for another one, probably a better quality one. They are all still cheap to buy.

    I find it useful for undoing seams and cutting off buttons on old clothes I am recycling. In fact it is not a love hate relationship. It is the time when I am having ambitious and impatient ideas abot the new item I am eager to create.


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