
Monday, May 20, 2013

Pet Treat Pouch - Free Sewing Tutorial

 I've got a simple and quick sewing tutorial for you today that's a great scrap buster!
It's for a Pet Treat Pouch.

Cut 2 rectangles from your fabrics. I used a cotton print for the outer and PUL for the inner, but you can use just about anything in your scrap bin. 
My rectangles are approximately 4.5" x 12.5". 

Pin your fabrics right sides facing, or if using PUL, you can sew the print side to the shiny side so your wipe-able shiny side will be on the inside of your finished pouch.

Position your ribbon loop near the top of one of the long sides. You'll need to point the loop according to how you want it to lay when finished, paying attention if you have a directional print. 
 Sew around the outside of your rectangle with a 1/2" seam allowance, leaving a small opening on one of the short ends for turning. I like to stitch back and forth an extra time over the ribbon to give it a little extra strength.

Turn your fabrics right sides out. Fold the bottom (the short end that is sewn closed) of your pouch up where you want it and pin in place.

Sew starting at one corner of the folded end, all the way around, being sure to catch the opening at the top. 

 I added a snap closure to each of mine to finish them, but you could also sew a small piece of velcro on for a closure. 

Your Treat Pouch can be hung by your door where it's easy to grab when the pets come in, worn on your belt for when you are on a walk or doing any kind of training exercise, or even put on your keychain.

Super easy sewing, perfect for our May Project!



  1. These are super cute and sound quick to make. Thank you so much for sharing the tutorial!

  2. You are very welcome! Hope you enjoy making them. :)

  3. I have been kicking around ideas for making Training Treat pouchesn(I am a professional Dog Trainer and quilter) and was wondering about using PUL to make it so the greasy treats don't stain the fabric. Like your design!

  4. I have been kicking around ideas for making Training Treat pouchesn(I am a professional Dog Trainer and quilter) and was wondering about using PUL to make it so the greasy treats don't stain the fabric. Like your design!

  5. I'm sorry,but I do not know what "PUL" is.

  6. Hi Janet! PUL is a type of laminated fabric using Polyester Urethane. It can be found at many online stores and even some of the mainstream fabric stores like JoAnn's. This type of fabric is typically used in cloth diaper sewing. Hope that helps!

  7. Thanks, Kristy! So I could just put my iron-on vinyl on cotton fabric, and it would be pretty much the same thing.

  8. Yes Janet, that should work perfectly! Happy Sewing!

  9. Great idea I do dog showing and show training these will be great for this I think l might be making some soon

  10. This article is very very good I loved it and very Interesting post. Thanks for sharing the I really appreciate your post. Great job please keep sharing these helpful posts.
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