
Monday, October 21, 2013

To Market! To Market!

I'm so excited! :)
I'm heading to Houston, Texas QUILT MARKET later this week with my friends Bonnie and Leigh from Fishsticks Designs!!!
I have had the privilege to get to know Bonnie through our blogging and sewing together and am so very thankful to call her my friend! She's such a beautiful and creative person who loves her family in a contagious way! We actually had the chance to meet up with our kiddos earlier this year for a fun museum and lunch day, and it was like we had known one another all our lives. Kindred Spirits for sure! While Leigh and I "know" each other in the on-line world, this will be the first time for us to meet in person. Can't wait!!! I know we are going to have a GREAT time together working on the set up and presentation of the FABULOUS Fishsticks Designs booth and all of Bonnie's awesome patterns, including the NEW "Go Fish"'ve seen those right??? :)

If you are going to Market, please stop by and see us! We are at Booth #2057, conveniently located near one of the restrooms! :) I'm looking forward to meeting many more online friends and sponsors IN PERSON while there too! Maybe I should warn you thing you should know about me....
 :) It's that "Mama" part of me that's true to my core!

OH! And I'll be sharing some of the sewing I've been doing in preparation of our trip while I'm away, but if you'd like to keep up with our day to day happenings, be sure and follow along on my facebook page here

Friends, fabric and patterns as far as the eye can's sure to be a BLAST! :)



  1. Oh how I wish I was going so I could meet you in person! I hope you all have a fabulous time!!!

  2. I am so excited to meet you in person, and I am sure we are going to have a fabulous time at quilt market! Yippee!


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