
Monday, February 17, 2014

Special Touch of Tag It Ons!

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know how much I love to add the personal touch of a special label to my finished items. So, it will come as no surprise to you that while at Market back in the fall, I fell in love with the adorably sweet labels of! has the sweetest assortment of tags to personalize your gifts for your friends, loved ones and donation recipients.  Their special occasion tags like the "Happy Birthday" and other holiday designs are especially nice for handmade gifts.

 Each tag has a fold-over finish so that it can neatly be added to the edge or trim of a quilt, garment, soft toy or any handmade item you'd like to give that special touch.

I added the precious "Sweet Dreams" label to a mini, quilted lovey I made for one of our infant/toddler donation bags this quarter

I also used the "Somebody Cares", "hugs & kisses" and the signature "P.S.I love you" tags on this sweet set that will also be added to an infant/toddler donation bag for our 1st Quarter Project. It includes a little tagged lovey, matching bib and stuffed doll.

TagItOns labels offers an assortment of sew-on labels that will help you to perfectly convey your sentiments for any occasion! These are high-quality, woven labels that can last the life of your handmade gift.

In addition to the darling labels they sent for me to sew with, they have also sent me an assortment to SHARE WITH YOU!!!! sure to drop back by tomorrow for a giveaway so you can try these sweet TagItOns on your special projects!



  1. These are so adorable. I want them! They will be great for charity sewing.

  2. These are so sweet I have never used pre made labels but these make me want to give it a try

  3. Love these tags, Kristy! So perfect for your very special projects also!!!!!! I love these.XXX

  4. The tags are all so cute, but my favorites are 'hugs and kisses' and 'nana loves you'!!

  5. Cool stuff! I love the gracefulness of this bib. This is such a very colorful post. The stuffed doll is cute!


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