
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

2014 - 3rd Quarter Project Announcement

2014 is truly flying by! 
Don't know if it's our new quarterly schedule or what, but WOW!
Here we are with the kick off of the 3rd Quarter Project!!!

This is going to be another fun and simple to sew project that I hope many can and will participate in! With summer and back to school times falling during the 3rd Quarter, I wanted to be sure that sewing to share would be an easy thing to fit in, and I think we've found the perfect project!

If you know much about me from this blog or otherwise, you know that sewing for children is something very special to me. Using my love of sewing to help support and encourage a family, even more! 

Our family really appreciates living in a community that provides a Crisis Pregnancy Center to help struggling or surprised mothers and fathers prepare for their unexpected bundle. Being a large family, we understand the excitement paired with stresses, uncertainties and general feelings of being overwhelmed that planning for a new baby can bring....and we understand those feeling are all magnified when a pregnancy wasn't planned at the time. We also know full well the blessing a baby is to a family, and if we can be any part of the support and encouragement that shines light and hope on that, well, what a beautiful and encouraging opportunity for us as well! This is part of what makes us so very grateful for the active work and support of the Crisis Pregnancy Center.

Some of the incredible services provided by our local Center include free pregnancy tests, educational classes and training, a 24 hour  helpline, as well as, a care closet that helps provide everything from maternity clothing, baby/toddler clothing, diapers, formula, baby gear and more! All things that can help relieve some of the stress and financial pressure of an unplanned pregnancy.

For the 3rd Quarter Project, we will be making bibs, burpcloths and blankies to donate to our Crisis Pregnancy Center to be provided to the families they serve. I would like to encourage you to look within your own communities for a similar organization to directly support with your sewing this quarter, but will be more than happy to include any donations you'd like to send to go along with ours too. :) As always, if you don't sew and would like to send along store bought items, those are always welcome. Additionally, our family will be participating in the annual Walk For Life and any monetary donations received this month will be donated as part of our sponsor collections for the Center.
For those shipping donation items to me, your donations can be sent here,
Kristy Smith
c/o Echelon Florist
1260 Rocky Hill Road
Knoxville TN 37919

So, I welcome you to jump in a participate with our 3rd Quarter Project any way you feel led! You can find an abundance of Baby Sewing ideas, inspiration, tutorials and patterns on my "Baby Sewing" Pinterest board here. While I have chosen to narrow the focus to bibs, burpcloths & blankets to help simplify, any baby items you'd like to contribute are completely welcome! If you'd like to share photos of your donations to inspire and encourage the rest of us as we consider how best to participate, feel free to do so in our 3rd Quarter Project Donation Album on Flickr here.

I'll also be sharing about a new baby related project that I am humbled and blessed to be a part of. Watch for a special detailed post about that to come soon!

Email me here with any questions.
Thank you all for your continued support and enthusiasm as we care for others through our sewing machines. 
Every Stitch Matters.


  1. Oops, this is right up my alley. I have tons of remnants to use up :)

  2. Hoping to join in with this one, Kristy...

  3. I'm going to do my best to get something made for this challenge


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