That's right....our 3rd Quarter Project is coming to a close!
Have you been Baby stitching along with us? If so, we'd love to see & share your finishes. Just add them to our Flickr Album HERE so we can!
Here's my latest finishes for donation to the project...
These cheery tag blankies are a great quick sew project that helps finish off fabric remnants and those end of roll ribbon pieces! The playful hedgehog print and red dot minky fabrics came as part of the last "Bits of Binkeez" donations received from Binkeeze For Comfort. These blanket trimmings have been such a blessing to me and allowed me the opportunity to sew and share so much more!
I had the orange fleece as a remnant and was able to clear out all kinds of ribbon bits from bow making and the like while making these! I finished a stack of 8 to add to the other goodies going to our Crisis Pregnancy Center.
I also finished another 16 bibs. These were all made using remnants from other projects, so they helped clear out a bit more of my stash I've been trying to purge.
I'm hoping to finish up a few more things over the next couple of weeks as time allows. We'll be excited to deliver all these goodies knowing they will be a blessing to the families that receive them and the workers that are able to share them. :)
Still time to join in....and I sure hope you will! Find all the details linked at the top of the sidebar.

Better get a move on with my bibs!!!