
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tutorial: Cute as a Button Bow Holder!

 Any Princesses in your lives???
I am blessed with several actually, but my youngest one is the only one still wearing (when I can beg her at least!) all the bows Mommy likes to make. :) The pile has taken over a shelf and made a mess in her closest, and it was long overdue for me to make her a special holder for all of them. 

I'm going to share with you how I made this "Cute as a Button" Bow Holder so you can make one too if you'd like! It's a fun and easy project and definitely something you can do WITH your little Princess....mine sure enjoyed helping me! :)
 Here's what you'll need:
1 Board Shape of your design choice. Ours is a thick cardboard crown from Hobby Lobby
1 Bag of My Buttons in color of choice available at JoAnns &
3 1/2 yards of Ribbon
Hot Glue

First I painted the crown shape so that all we would see when finished was PINK. :) It doesn't have to be perfectly painted, this just creates a nice background, especially if any of your buttons are clear like ours were.

Then with Mommy's help, Lil' Miss applied the buttons all about the crown after I would put the hot glue in place. 
 You can cover it as heavily as you'd like. Depending on how much extra "help" you had, there may be some gaps to fill. ;)

Next, make your ribbon loop hanger and glue it to the back of your shape in the center. 

 Also add your ribbon strips evenly spaced along the bottom. I like to cut my strips at least 1 yard each. 
Clean all your hot glue "strings" off.

 That's it! 
Now you're ready to hang it on the wall, adorn it with all your pretty bows and admire your work!

Enjoy making your Princess smile! Mine is very proud of her work and has even asked to wear a bow today! SCORE!!!
Be sure and watch for another fun button project next week....I'll show you how to make some darling hair accessories to help fill your new bow holder!

Warm "Thanks!" to for providing the buttons for this fun project.

1 comment:

  1. A fun craft activity with a little one, Kristy, and something pretty and practical to show at the end.


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