
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Any Quilter's Out There?

Just had to share this very touching opportunity with you! 
Quilting is one of those things I've been trying to work up the courage to attempt for years now. Even bought the fabric intended for my first quilt. Honestly, it all intimidates me a bit. I've spent hours watching youtube "how to" videos and admiring the amazing art that is a finished quilt, but haven't yet taken the plunge. One day. It WILL happen!
In the meantime, I just came across a very special opportunity to touch the life of a baby in need with the comfort of a know that comfort....can't get it anywhere else! Cherry House Quilts is working to gather 55 quilts for little ones that have had an unfortunately, difficult start. You can read all about it here.

Quilts are certainly one of those things that can fulfill a very practical need. They can provide a warmth and comfort that is personalized and sends the message of love. All the more reason I need to get over it and take the plunge. Maybe I'll start with a class since I'm not good at reading directions a hands on learner! ;)

Go check it out!


  1. Hi Kristy,
    I don't think I have the head space for another quilt just now - I just finished one for a friend. But you might want to check out this blog: I just emailed her and asked her to check out your blog! I am hoping to do one of your lovely projects at least once a month. Do you know of any charities needing help in Australia? :)

  2. Saw your beautiful quilt! Totally understand having to space a project of that level out. Thanks for the cluckclucksew link and sharing about Hopeful Threads. I figure the more we spread the word, the more opportunity to help. :)
    I love having your participation here! Thanks!

    btw, I'll keep my eyes peeled specifically for opportunities in Australia, and if you learn of any, please share them. Blessings!


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