
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japan - How to Help?

Like most, I have been glued to updates of Japan and the recovery and hazardous containment efforts going on there. While each crisis such as this, and seems there have been many in just the past couple of years, compels a desire to help....this one hits a little closer to home. Japan holds some very dear people to our family, as well as, a part of my children's heritage.

My husband's precious grandmother was brought to the US from Japan at the end of World War II, married to his US Army soldier grandfather. I adore this woman for many, many reasons, but see her as one of the bravest people I know. When she came here, she knew no one and couldn't speak the language. She very soon became a mother, multiple times :) and survived a time in her life when I imagine she could have most used friends, pretty much alone....and didn't have the modern convenience of connecting to others like her, all over the world, via internet the way I do. Nonetheless, she raised a beautiful family and is now blessed with an abundance of grand children and even great grand children.

Additionally, my husband grew up with many an exchange student in his home from Japan. I had the most wonderful privelege of one of these individuals becoming a part of my family near 10 years ago. He was a young man, full of life and full of interest in everything about our culture. He shared openly and learned just as openly. Getting to know him was such a great experience and when he left we cried and cried. We made so many fun memories together! Since, we have kept in touch and grown to love him and his extended family even more. They continue to share their culture with our family and my children from afar. He is now a husband and a new daddy himself. And they all live in Sendai.
We've had very limited contact, but did receive a very welcome confirmation that they were ok yesterday. I wait on pins and needles to hear another response, but imagine all is completely unpredictable for them right now. So, we do what we can do for this moment and pray.

However, while my heart is churning, my brain is too. I know I want to help in some way. Whether it is simply in support of this one dear family or on a grander scale. I'm certain events will begin rising just as they do with each major catastrophe such as this....I love that about humanity. But I want to ask, if any of you see opportunities arise that our specific gifts and resources can contribute to, please, please let me know! You can post here or email me, my email address is attached to my profile. Thank you.

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