
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rag Dolls In the Works - STUFFING!

**If you are here for the final day of the Sew, Mama, Sew giveaway, scroll down to the next post!**

I'm beginning to wrap up this months project around here and all my little rag dolls are now stuffed! And whew! That was quite a job! I have always admired those that can make such adorable plushies, but I don't think I fall into the, I'm sure I don't after this bunch of pig-tailed cuties! :) Stuffing is a lot of work! And other than just a few simple toys for the kids, this is the first stuffies I've made, and certainly the first time I've done so many at once. Probably wouldn't have been so tiring if there were just a few I suppose. Nonetheless, these little cuties are all stuffed and ready to be stitched closed.

 I used some basic fiber-fil from JoAnn's and a wooden dowel to get it into the points of the pigtails and the long, narrow arms and legs. Maybe there's a better "tool" for this, but this seemed to do the job well. However, if you have a handy way for stuffing, please, please share! I'd love to learn!
 Next step...getting them dressed! I'll share another freebie for that in an upcoming post. I think they are going to be well worth the work when all done. And I imagine they will make some little girls very happy! They sure make me smile!
Anyone else have any plushies for giveaway progress to share? I'm still trying to decide where these will be best donated, so I'd love to hear your ideas on that too!
Happy Stuffing!!! ;)

Linked at:

Whimsy Couture


  1. Craft Hope is collecting blankets for the tornado survivors. I wonder if they can use these dolls also. They are on facebook at Craft Hope and I think their website is the same.

  2. Hi Kirsty, I'm very new to sewing but I use a melamine chopstick; and the tip I have found most helpful is to stuff as much as poss and then secure with a safety pin, before stitching the opening closed (plus it's also easier to attach the piece to the body this way, if it's that type of doll). Your dolls are very cute :)
    Pam @ (google account comment login not working)

  3. I don't have any recommendations, but these are turning out super cute! :)

  4. Awww, thanks Amanda! I think their cuteness is what kept me stuffing even when I was kind of over it, ya know...say the 7th doll! Not the best "batch" project! ;)


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