
Monday, December 19, 2011

Lily Bird Studio WINNER!!!

Time to announce the winner of the Lily Bird Studio pattern bundle giveaway!!!

 The random number generator selected #20
Emma's Dress
Spring Dress
Sophia Dress
Baby Toddler Dress 

Congratulations Melissa!!!!
Melissa chose these 4 great patterns for her bundle...
and the Baby Toddler Dress. 
Melissa, I see some dress sewing in your future!!!
Hope you have a lot of fun!

Thank you so much Lily Bird Studio for sponsoring this great pattern giveaway!


  1. Thank you so much! I am so excited. I have only ever made one dress and it is definitely time for me to make another!!!

  2. These are certainly GREAT patterns to sew from! I'm sure you will enjoy them! :)


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