
Saturday, December 17, 2011

A Softie Stampede!

 When I saw the free tutorial for these adorable stuffed elephants posted over at Riley Blake, babe was sitting with me. She immediately began jabbering all about that elephant and making her insanely cute elephant sounds. Just call it motherly instinct, but I knew I was going to be sewing an elephant very, very soon. ;) 

And so became babe's newest friend who will find her way under the tree to be discovered and enjoyed.
I chose buttons eyes and of course had to add the perfect lil' tag to finish her off!

She was so cute and so easy that I made a few extra in neutral prints for a friend to distribute with other toys at our local homeless shelter. I hope there is another little boy or girl that is just as delighted to have a new little friend to love and cuddle.

 My favorite part are those EARS!!!!

A few remnants of fabric, the free pattern and a little sewing time and you've got yourself your own too cute Pachyderm Plushie! Sorry I just couldn't help myself! ;)
Happy sewing and stuffing!

1 comment:

  1. So cute, Kristy, with those big, floppy ears. Love the colours you've chosen.


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