
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February 2012 - Monthly Project Announcement

Here we are! 
Beginning of the month and time for our Monthly Project Announcement for February.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. ~Dr. Suess

February we will be focusing on Supporting Fundraisers.
There are SO many ways to use your gifts and talents to help those fundraising! This can help in ways ranging from your child's Scout, sports or school groups, family's who are raising medical or adoption funds, groups traveling for a special service or mission trip, organizations that support others get the idea. This is a significant need! And a need that can be fulfilled by you using your gift of creating. It's going to be a very exciting month!

"What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." ~Theodore Roosevelt
Personally, I've found that $ for $ I'm able to help in a far greater and more regular way by providing handmade items than I could if only donating financially. Point being, you don't have to have a lot of $ to be a big help! I've plans to sew/create for several special reasons this month and will share each along the way. You are of course invited, and even encouraged to jump in at anytime you'd like! I'll also be sharing different fundraisers you can support with your purchases or donations. This will allow those who perhaps would rather help in a different way to have that opportunity. And from working with many different organizations and families that rely on such, EVERY SINGLE $ really does matter! Please don't ever have the idea if you can't give "big" it isn't of value. IT IS!!!! :) 

"Give what you have, for you never know - to someone else it may be better than you can even dare to think." ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

If you have individuals or organizations you know of that are fundraising for a specific need, feel free to leave a comment on this post with a link. Additionally, if you know of people using their gifts and talents to give back, I'd love to hear about them and be encouraged by their efforts! This can include businesses that give back a portion of their proceeds. I'll be happy to check out each one and do my best to share about them on the Hopeful Threads facebook page throughout the month!

"When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another." ~ Helen Keller

The month will of course be sprinkled with inspiration and giveaways, but please remember the greater purpose of Hopeful Threads. We can have fun while making a difference at the same time!
So, look around. What do you have that you can use today to help another?


  1. Hey great! I am really only aware of my church and daughter's school when it comes to this kind of donation. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with and inspire me to do.
    I mentioned you today, Kristy!

  2. Love it. Great idea. Love the heart behind your blog!

    *Also - can you remind me of the site of your store, where you sell cloth diapers, etc.?

  3. Great idea, Kristy! Nothing springs to mind at the moment, but I'll think on it...

  4. Hi Kristy, my friend Sarah runs THE Missions (Tanzania Health & Education Mission) - they do an auction every year to raise money for the mission - I am donating my first finish of the year - my pinwheel table runner - there is a lot more information in my post from Monday:
    They are always looking for wonderful handmade gifts as donations!

  5. I use my own version of Dave Ramsey's envelope system. One of my sections is putting aside $1 (almost) every day to give away. Some months I know right where it's going. Most times I start getting antsy when it adds up to $30 and start looking for a need. Last month, my friend was collecting for her March of Dimes Walk team, so that's where it went. This month? still looking :)


Thanks for taking to time to comment & share! If your email is linked to your profile or provided in your comments, I will gladly reply personally. Otherwise, I will reply here for reference.

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