
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hidden Treasure Auction OPEN!!!!

First opportunity to support a fundraiser this month is at Hidden Treasures

This ongoing fundraiser was developed by an adoptive mom to support others adopting! Along with some other very beautiful and passionate people, they decided to do what they could to make a difference. LOVE IT!!! You can read more about them here.

A quick overview of what they do is hold regular auctions to help raise funds for adopting families. A new auction just opened yesterday, so make sure to pop over and check it out! I got some great patterns (at a great price!) during the last auction. This auction is FULL of loads of goodies too!

Supporting Hidden Treasures can happen in several ways....
1. Donate items of worth to be auctioned. The auctions happen every couple of months, so even if you didn't get in on this one....though I don't think they'd turn you away if you still wanted to contribute....there will be upcoming opportunities to contribute. Find out how the auction works and how you can get involved here.

2. SHOP!!! Easy as that. You can bid on the great items provided for the auctions, help an awesome family and get yourself some nice gifts all at the same time!
Hidden Treasures also now has a CafePress shop where you can purchase all kinds of merchandise with their lovely logo.

3. Spread the word! Grab their beautiful button for your blog! Share about their efforts with your friends on facebook. Tweet the auction link! This option will of course not cost a dime and can potentially have the greatest impact!

Hidden Treasures...what a beautiful image!

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