
Monday, April 16, 2012

Girl's Word GIVEAWAY!!!!

OH BOY!!! Or maybe I should say OH GIRL!!!!!! You are in for a TREAT!!!
When I shared with the amazingly talented Jennifer Paganelli of Sis Boom what we were doing this month, she didn't hesitate for a single second before jumping in! And look what she sent along as a gift for one of the generous dress sewists this month...
 An AUTOGRAPHED copy of the incredibly beautiful 
Girl's World!!!!
This creativity inspiring book is overflowing with girly goodness! It includes 21 sewing projects specifically designed to please any little girl, with gorgeous photography throughout and a pocket that holds all the patterns neatly inside.
You may remember one of the projects I made from the book last month...

This is a gift and incentive for those participating in our April Monthly Project to sew for Dress A Girl Around the World. Haven't sewn a dress yet??? There's still plenty of time! Get all the details in the top right of the sidebar. Entry will be via Rafflecopter to keep it simple, so just follow the prompts below.This giveaway will end at midnight 4/22/12 with the winner announced here and emailed 4/23/12. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Sis Boom Fabrics
So what are you waiting for??? Keep sewing those dresses and get entered to win this amazing book!
Thanks Jennifer! You are a rare and beautiful GEM!


  1. Fantastic giveaway! I was just looking at Jennifer's book to purchase, how wonderful for the chance to win a signed copy!

  2. Awesome giveaway!!! Thanks for the chance to win, Kristy!!!

  3. Thanks for the giveaway - those puppies are so cute!

  4. Great competition and great book. My friend has this book and it is so lovely ♥


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