
Monday, June 11, 2012

The Organized Sewer's Notebook - Product Review & GIVEAWAY!!!

For me, one thing that goes hand-in-hand with being creative is.....disorganization. 
I call it my "Creative Chaos" or "Beautiful Mess", but truth is, disorganization can sometimes get in the way of my creative process and slow me down. 
I was recently offered the opportunity to review The Organized Sewer's Notebook and didn't hesitate to say "YES!" since I knew it would be a useful tool! However, I had NO IDEA what a treat I was in for!
What is The Organized Sewer’s Notebook (TOSN)?

"The Organized Sewer’s Notebook is a 108 page notebook created to keep all of your sewing inventory in one place.. at a glance ... and at your fingertips. It helps a sewer become more efficient during the creating and/or project preparing stages.

Along with charted designing pages, inventory logs, fabric swatch boxes and wish list pages, I also created knowledge pages. Knowledge pages were designed as a quick reference guide to look up the different types of fabrics, elastics, needles and threads that would best suit your project.

TOSN is NOT a book that suggests how to store your items or what to use to store your items, but a notebook to keep track of everything you have."

The notebook comes as a PDF emailed to you for you to print according to your specific needs. Each notebook will therefore be personalized to the seamstress using it.
 There is a detailed description from the beginning to explain how the notebook is designed to be used and to aid you in getting started.

This notebook is jam packed with wonderful sewing information! These are the things I loved most...
- Conversion charts (I have lots of international sewing friends and this helps me understand so much better what everyone is talking about!)
- Fabric Knowledge, Characteristics and Types pages were probably my favorite of all! Great information! Especially the break down of different types of each category. Who knew there were more than 20 different types of cottons and each has unique characteristics that can help determine whether it is best for a specific project? I can see myself references these pages again and again!
- Project at a Glance pages I think I will also find very useful! I often like to plan in advance or have something particular in mind I want to create but haven't yet found a pattern, and this will be a great thing that I can take with me to jot down notes and sewing preparations.
- Replenishing list....I imagine this will be handy too and keep me from having all these post its and scribbles here and there. I especially like that it includes info about the specific project the items are needed for to easily prioritize when at the store.
This is a very practical and useful tool for your sewing room and unlike any other you've ever seen!

And other customer review...
“Kristina has created the most in depth workbook I've personally seen for a seamstress and/ OR WHAM.  It's called the Organized Sewers Notebook, but I want to encourage you even if you keep your sewing room IMMACULATE you will find this book of great use to you. It has everything from organizational tips to ways to help you just stay on track. To not only organize everything, but to help keep it that way as you work.  Most of you know I'm not a huge organizational nut when it comes to my fabric. This is going to help immensely, but even if I was, I would still be using this, as it really puts everything (even those things you didn't remember you had) into 1 place.” Melissa Beck from Panda Tushies

And now, you have a chance to win your very own PDF!
Follow the simple prompts on the Rafflecopter widget below to enter.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
 As a bonus, Kristina is currently hosting an "Organize-A-Long" on her blog to assist you in the process of getting your sewing space in order. more excuses! ;) Come join in the fun!


  1. Dotvining@yahho.comJune 13, 2012 at 8:11 PM

    Thanks for allowing me to join your blog. I know I'm going to enjoy it.


  2. You are most welcome Dottie! :) Very happy to have you!


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