
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer Linguine Salad Recipe

I can't remember who first made this salad for our family, but we love it! I think the original recipe may have even come from the back of a seasoning or dressing bottle, but nonetheless, this is our adaptation and one of our favorite summer recipes.

3-5 Green Onions chopped
1-2 Medium Cucumbers chopped
1 Small Can Sliced Black Olives
1 Package Linguine cooked/drained/cooled
1 cup Zesty Italian Dressing
1 Bottle Salad Supreme Seasoning
1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese

Put your pasta on to boil. You can use any type of pasta you like, we just prefer Linguine for this salad, and it's how it was first served to us.
While your pasta is cooking, wash and chop your vegetables.
 This, my friends, is the secret ingredient! It's a vibrant combination of seasonings that pair perfectly with the Italian dressing and cool cucumbers. Mmmmm!
 Now isn't that pretty!?
Once you have your vegetables ready, and your pasta has cooled, combine the two. Sprinkle in 2/3 bottle of the Salad Supreme seasoning, 1/4 Parmesan Cheese and pour 1 cup of Italian Dressing over all. Toss, top with a little extra Parmesan Cheese and serve!
Super quick, easy and yummy! 
This is one of those salads that is even better after everything has set for a bit and the flavors combined, which makes it perfect as a make-ahead dish chilled in the fridge.
Easily serves 8-10, so it's also great for larger gatherings and simple to double.
Hope you and your family enjoy it too!


  1. So glad you shared this recipe - our family love pasta salad. That salad seasoning is new to me.

  2. Sounds yummy. Do all the kiddos eat it? Anne is super picky...much to my chagrin.


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