
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Easy Zipper Pouches = Great Gifts!

I may be the last person on the planet to realize just how easy and fun these little zipper pouches are to sew! These were my first, thanks to the inspiration of Danny at Mommy For Reals. She is collecting these sweet pouches and drawstring bags as gifts for some very special camp attendees and I was able to participate. I'm so glad I did too....and well, my daughters are too since they both got one of their own!

These little pouches are super fast to put together and I must say, kind of addictive! I'm already digging out more zippers to make a few more! These would also be great as pencil pouches made from laminate or "slicker" fabrics. Hmmmm.....
Well Danny, a couple of these are on their way to you...thanks again for sharing the opportunity! 
And since my girls each ended up with one too, then this is also my first completed family project for the month!
How about you? What are your family sewing plans for the month? Or have you already finished something too? Please share!

Danny is currently in need of pillowcases for this project, and wouldn't that be a fun item to make for a friend and also for a family member at the same time? Find out how you can help here! She even provides you links to free patterns to get you started. :)
Bless & Be Blessed,


  1. You are right, Kristy... zippered pouches are so easy to make. Yours look great!!! Love that mushroom fabric. Such a great cause, too...

  2. I love making zippered pouches. My first ever zipper project was a small pouch :) I won't get to sew anything until next week, but I think my first project will be a doll for my little one!

  3. How cute are these? I'm going to have to put these on my "to do" list. xoxo

  4. You have great taste in fabrics! I just finished a dress and a top for my niece. The kids are working on artwork for the dads and grandpas in our lives. Next project, potholders for my mom.

  5. Thank you! I'm blessed to have a very diverse stash which helps tremendously when trying to coordinate fabrics.

    All of your projects sound lovely! And potholders....I need to make some of those too!

  6. Very easy to become addicted to making zippered pouches, Kristy.. LOL!!! Thanks for linking up!

  7. Hi Kristy, I've featured your zippered pouches today...

  8. Hi Kristy, I've featured your zippered pouches today...


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