
Monday, June 4, 2012

Support FAMILY

One great way to extend your love of FAMILY is to support those that are growing their own families through the gift of adoption. Adoption expenses are not small, and unlike with naturally born children, insurance does not help cover the cost. Therefore, it is often necessary for families to raise funds to cover the actual expense of adoption. That's where Hidden Treasures comes in.

 Hidden Treasures is one of several avenues I have found and use to provide ongoing support for multiple families on the journey to adopt. Every couple of months there is an auction of donated items where the funds raised go directly to the adoptive family sponsored that month, to help with their adoption expenses. Hidden Treasures also provides updates about the past families supported so you are able to see how your gifts continue to grow.
There is an auction currently open, and I invite you to take this opportunity to show your support of Family by visiting. Maybe even becoming a regular follower so you can keep up with families and upcoming auctions. Maybe considering what you might be able to contribute as a donation for a future auction. Maybe bidding on items currently being offered. 

Family is no doubt the greatest treasure.
Supporting FAMILY within our own homes and outside of them is ALWAYS a good thing!
Bless & Be Blessed,

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