
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Monthly Finale....a tad early

I know we're still a couple of days from the end of the month, and I encourage you to keep sewing! 

My little guy is having a "routine" surgery tomorrow, and my time and attention will be on him for the next few days, so I wanted to kind of get the monthly wrap up started just a bit early. 

I will be delivering my stockings to our Children's Hospital the week of December 10th, giving plenty of time for those packages to get here. Please keep this date in mind if you would like your stockings to be part of the donation I deliver. Dona, on the West Coast, makes more frequent/regular deliveries to her Children's, but this is still a good target date to consider so your items will arrive in plenty of time for Christmas.

When you are ready to ship your stockings, please email me for the address and let me know if you want the West Coast of East Coast address. Please be patient if it takes me a little extra time to get back to you, I will respond as soon as I can.

I can't say enough how VERY GRATEFUL I am for your time and support as you have sewn along to help spread CHEER this month! It's such a joy to participate in each of the projects with you. 

1 comment:

  1. Hope your little guy has a speedy recovery after his surgery, Kristy. Take care...


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