
Friday, October 11, 2013

Monster FLUFF!!!! Free tutorial and pattern template!

I recently had the pleasure to work with the creative folks over at We collaborated on a few fun, button embellished projects, and this is one of them I wanted to be sure you didn't miss! 

Meet Fin & Polly, my Monster Fluff Friends! 

While I welcome you to use this pattern/tutorial to sew for the children in your lives, if you do, I also ask that you please find a way to Give Back using it. One great option is to support children in foster care, just as our FLUFF Project does on-going. 

Thanks and enjoy! Can't wait to see your creations!


  1. Very cute.

    Funny timing, too. I'm working on monsters for this month's Fluff box. I'm really loving the My Funny Buddy patterns. Great for smaller pieces of fabric.

  2. i love those little monsters, they are adorable!


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