Fluff Project

In April 2013 we hosted a very special project, "Fluff For Foster Care"

This was our largest project to date! The Hopeful Threads community helped provide nearly 400 stuffed toys for children in foster care!!! When we delivered the donations, they were so warmly received, and the need so clearly evident, that we knew we must continue!

And so became....

The FLUFF Project exists to provide Hope, Hugs & Healing to children facing hard things.
  • NEW items only. First, because these children deserve no less. Second, this may be the one and only personal item they have that they feel is all theirs at this time....let's make it a good one! Additionally, used stuffed toys can cause issues for our children with allergies and sensitivities. Thank you for understanding!
  • Any type (sewn, knit/crochet, store bought) of stuffed animal or doll is welcome. Please just refrain from any designs that could potentially be scary or offensive though. 
  • All ages included. Children in the foster care system range in age from Newborn - 18 years old, that's a broad audience to create for, so lots of possibilities. :)
  • 2017....expanding to include children facing other difficult things like hospital stay or emergencies where they could use the comfort of a stuffed friend.
  • HAVE FUN!!!! :) 
You can find all kinds of plushie sewing inspiration,
ideas and pattern/tutorial links on my Pinterest board here, "Stuffed Friends".

I will be sewing stuffed animals ongoing for this need and invite and welcome any you would like to make and/or purchase and send our way for donation.

To read more about the need and how our project got started, see this post.
We would LOVE to have you join our efforts!

May 2013 - 366/August 2013 - 61/November 2013 - 55
April 2014 - 91/July 2014 - 377/December 2014 - 73
June 2015 - 166/July 2015 - 86
February 2016 - 60/August 2016 - 51/December 2016 - 179
June 2017 - 402
June 2018 - 150/December 2018 - 90
March 2019 - 122/July 2019 - 160
February 2020 - 50
January 2021 - 60/October 2021 - 193
August 2022 - 62

To Date....
Stuffed Friends!!!!!
FLUFF Project Supporters
 These generous businesses have contributed to our FLUFF Project giving efforts, allowing us to GIVE MORE! We are so very grateful and look forward to sharing more and more stuffed friends with children in foster care!
We have also generously received support from the following businesses...

We would love to have your support too! If you'd like to contribute to our #FLUFFproject efforts in anyway, please email me here. Thank you for your desire to give back this way!


Anonymous said... 1

Super! I'm so glad it's an ongoing project now. I will drop something off later this month. I need to think a little first.

J said... 2

What a beautiful site, full of loving and giving! You are an angel!

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