
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Method to the Monthly Project Picks

Hi all! Hope you are having a great week! Been fighting a bit of a bug here that I hope is on it's way out! Not the best way to welcome Spring, but I sure do love Spring!

I've had a couple of people inquire about the method in which I choose the Monthly Projects here at Hopeful Threads and I wanted to share. :) Truth is that there really isn't a specific method.....or at least one I had thought very much about before being asked. It comes down to needs I learn of through individuals, groups or organizations I already have some kind of personal connection to. Needs that can be met through my ability to sew. As I explained for the March project, our family is connected to both the foster care system in our county and our local Children's Hospital, so both would be natural places for us to regularly donate to. Additionally, we have international connections in China, Cambodia, and multiple countries within Africa to name a few. When these folks share a need with us, we are eager and blessed to help! 

While I love to have your participation in the Monthly Projects here, I often encourage you to look within your own communities and connections for where to donate your handmade items. Again, it just seems natural to support things that have a personal meaning to you. However, I absolutely welcome your contributions to the places I donate whenever you feel particularly moved to do so. These are the reasons Hopeful Threads came to be after encourage others to use their gifts, talents and love for sewing to give back, while at the same time being able to regularly sew and share with others. Fun stuff that helps keep the fire burning and meet a variety of needs!

I am always happy to share about your own outreach efforts and charity projects! If you follow the Hopeful Threads facebook page then you are already aware of this from the variety of posts there. While I may not be able to jump in with every individual outreach.....thankfully there are sooooo many!....I am glad to at least help spread the word!
So there you have it....a little glimpse into the heart of Hopeful Threads! 
Please feel free to email me anytime to share your own outreach efforts or if you have questions or comments. You can also read more on the "About Me" page at the top of the blog.
And remember.....Every Stitch Matters!

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