
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Craft Book Month - Blog Hop!

I was determined to get a head start on fall/winter sewing this year and I'm so excited to share this special project with you!
This is the scarf pattern from the book Making Children's Clothes. I love this book! I had my eye on it for a while and happened across it for a great deal too good to pass it. It is full of all kinds of great projects I look forward to sewing.
For the scarf, I chose a smoky blue wool for the outer fabric paired with this playful organic cotton print and love the combination.
Circles cut from coordinating fabric scraps dress the outer layer.
 The layers are stitched together with this coordinating button to make the scarf easy to slide on and off, but keep it from coming untied at the same time. Love this idea!

 The soft, organic cotton lining will make it even more comfortable to wear too.

I loved working with these fabrics and this pattern is one I will most definitely sew again. A scarf that stays on a busy little boy or toddler is a great cool weather solution too! Looking forward to more fall and winter sewing ahead!
Hope you enjoy Craft Book Month sewing! See the line up of posts below and find out how you can enter to win a variety of great prizes!
 Here are some other projects I've completed from some of my favorite craft/sewing books...
Bobby's Bathers from Sewing For Boys
George the Puppy from Girl's World
Dear Betty Apron from With Fabric & Thread
Girly Room Makeover from Girl's World
And last year's Craft Book Month inspired project...
Dress Ornaments from Softies

This post is part of the Craft Book Month blog hop at Craft Buds.

Week One
Sunday 9/2: Hopeful Threads / The Jolly Jabber
Monday 9/3: Stitchery Dickory DockMe Sew Crazy
Tuesday 9/4: Olive & OllieSew Sweetness
Wednesday 9/5: Fabric SeedsThe Busy Bean
Thursday 9/6: CraftFoxesStitched In Color
Friday 9/7: Katie's KornerA Prairie Sunrise

Week Two
Sunday 9/9: Sweet Diesel Designsmissknitta's studio
Monday 9/10: Sew TaraClover and Violet
Tuesday 9/11: Sew Fantasticamylouwho
Wednesday 9/12: Projektownia JednoiglecTwo More Seconds
Thursday 9/13: Ellison Lane QuiltsDon't Call Me Betsy
Friday 9/14: Live a Colorful LifeLRstitched

Week Three
Sunday 9/16: Fairy Face DesignsCanoe Ridge Creations
Monday 9/17: Inspire Me GreyFreshly Pieced
Tuesday 9/18: Lindsay SewsThe Cute Life
Wednesday 9/19: The Littlest ThistleSew Crafty Jess
Thursday 9/20: Urban Stitchesimagine gnats
Friday 9/21: Sew Bittersweet DesignsThe Plaid Scottie

Week Four
Link up your craft book project at Craft Buds from Sept 23-30 from your blog or Flickr account, and enter to win prizes. Winners will be announced on Monday, October, 1!

To participate in the month-long contest, just link up any project you've made from a pattern in a craft book. That easy! One entry per person, and all craft book projects must have been completed in 2012. Just create a new blog post or Flickr photo (dated September 1, 2012 or later) and link back to Craft Buds in your post or photo description.

No time to create a project this month?  
 Just follow Craft Buds and comment to win some new craft books and lots of giveaways!
Craft Book Month at Craft Buds


  1. What a FUN project Kristy! Those circles and buttons are darling. :) And a book I've never heard of before = bonus points!

  2. I love George the puppy! I may have to try those scarves for my grands!

  3. Awesome post Kristy! Love that dog. May have to make that for the hospital kids.


  4. Such a lovely scarf, all of the books you listed are new to me, and I have a ton of craft books!

  5. I love the scarf. Such a cool idea.

  6. Cute scarf! I love the way you fussy cut circles from the cotton material.


  8. Where would we be without our Craft books. This is the first Pattern Book I bought, when I knew I was getting 2 new granddaughters, Making childrens Clothes..... by E. Hardy.. its fun for someone that can read patterns.. I have made alot from it.

  9. Thank you for sharing, I really like the project you did, the button, the fabric, just great, I had to re-pin this book for my wishlist.

  10. Hello i have been reading your blog for some time now. Blogs like your really inspired me to make a new posts and come up with new ideas. And i absolutely love it. Can i PLEASE ask u to follow my blog. I am dreaming of having more than 9 followers. I wold really appreciate it xxx

  11. The button is a fabulous idea to keep the scarf on a young person. The appliqued circles look great, Kristy!!!


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