Saturday, September 1, 2012

September - Monthly Project Announcement!!!

For September's Monthly Project I am very happy to be teaming up with my friend and fellow blogger Melissa from Sew BitterSweet Designs!
When Melissa first shared her idea for sending handmade gifts to deployed service men and women I was immediately on board! An opportunity to share my gratitude and support through my sewing machine for those who quietly sacrifice so very much? You bet!
If you follow Melissa's blog, you already know that her husband is currently deployed in Afghanistan. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to be separated from your home and family for such extended periods of time. Be sure to visit today to read more about this from her own perspective.

We have been working behind the scenes for months now to get all the details for this project in order and it's going to be GREAT!!! With Melissa's help, we have narrowed it down to 2 practical and easy to sew items for donation, 
e-reader covers and pillowcases. 
Our hope this month is to send a message to these men and women that not only have we not forgotten them and the work they do, but we support and appreciate them and would like to show that through our handmade gifts. There are just under 50 soldiers in Melissa's husband's battery, and we would like to provide a gift for each of them, and also a gift for them to give to another soldier in a nearby battery, to allow for a sort of "pay it forward" opportunity. With that in mind...

We are setting our goal at 100 handmade gifts donated.
 I know we can do it too!

We are suggesting prints and colors of fabric that can serve for either men or women, with no holiday or religious themes please. When your items are ready to ship just send either Melissa or I an email and we will provide shipping address.

Some very talented bloggers have agreed to contribute tutorials and there are gifts and prizes to be won from some fabulous sponsors like Birdiful Stitches, Contemporary Cloth and Sis Boom to name a few!
To kick us off, Fat Quarter Shop is offering a 10% OFF Discount Code for the entire month! From now through 10/1/12 use code "usa" to receive 10% off your order!
Contemporary Cloth is offering 20% off your total order, also for the entire month with discount code "remember september"!

We've also created a "pin board" on Pinterest with links to a variety of pillowcase and e-reader tutorials and patterns here. Please feel free to leave a comment with links to others you may know of that we can add too! :)

Grab our "Remember" button from the sidebar and add it to your blog to show your support and help spread the word.

As you sew, be sure to add pictures of your finished donation(s) to the album so we can all be inspired by your work and keep an idea of the progress towards our goal. +++PLUS+++ we might just be drawing some prizes at the end of the month from entries in this album. ;) If you don't have a flickr account, it's free & easy to set one up, then simply join our group and you are able to add any pictures that you have uploaded to your account to our group album.

Get ready to sew! It's going to be another great month!


Melissa said... 1

Thank you for everything Kristy! I am so excited about this project! You are truly wonderful :)

Sondra said... 2

Kristy, as always, you are giving so much. I feel so fortunate to have crossed paths with you and Melissa in my life. I love all of your projects, but this one is very special to me. Wonderful post and project plan. Thank you for all of your time, enery and grace. XXX Sondra

Jill D said... 3

You can count me in! I have never made a pillow case or a e-reader cover but have wanted to do both. This is a great project. I also have family members who are deployed and know how hard it is for them to be away from home. Thanks Kristy!

Kristy said... 4

Awesome! Very excited to have your participation Jill! Let me know if you have any questions along the way...and be sure to watch the blogs for fun tutorials and giveaways all month long!

Kristy said... 5

Sondra, you are such an amazing encouragement! So glad to have crossed paths with you too! Thanks for all your support.

Christie said... 6

What a wonderful idea Kristy. We lost five Australian soldiers in the last few days over there, so this is a timely project for me.
My heart goes out to the families of the deployed soldiers, I admire their strength and sacrifice.

Unknown said... 7

I found this via Pinterest! What a great idea. As a Navy brat, I love it and I'll definitely be joining in! Thank you for sponsoring this

Amy said... 8

Fabulous idea, Kristy! My dad is retired Navy, I am so on board! xoxo

CeLynn said... 9

What a wonderful way to show our support and say thank you at the same time. I am both Honored and excited to join you !

Anonymous said... 10

Thanks! I appreciate the opportunity to help!

Kristy said... 11

Delighted to have your support and participation! It's going to be a great month! :)

edyB said... 12

I would love to contribute. Thanks for the invite.

Snoodles said... 13

I'm on board! This is a wonderful idea!

alibobbles said... 14

Hi, don't forget the military mom's! We miss our kids who are out there too. Mine is part of the UK force out of there.

Lindsey said... 15

I'm so excited to participate!
I was just talking to my husband who deployed to Iraq for a year, and we had the idea of a drawstring backpack (you know the ones that are so popular right now). They'd be good for taking things to the shower or even just around during off time.

Sarah said... 16

This is an awesome idea! I will (hopefully) be on maternity leave soon and able to complete a few projects for this.

Brandy Lynn Simmons said... 17

This is great! I am in:)

Kristy said... 18

Awesome!!! Super excited to have all of your participation and support! It's going to be a great month!!!

Susan said... 19

I'd like to join the "ranks" too! ;) I am blessed that this Christmas, both of my son's units are here in the states, but will stand with you to make our deployed soldiers feel some Love during the holidays!

HalfDozen said... 20

Look what I just found, thought Id share, free tuts and patterns
Also I wrote about remember september too

Maria said... 21

Such a great thing to do for your service men and women Kristy...
Here is the link to our Aussie group who do great things too.. You may like to have a look.

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