Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sponsor Shout Out!

Wrapping up the second year of Hopeful Threads this month, and one group of people I want to offer a special "THANK YOU!" to is our sponsors!
While I understand that advertising is important, and I am happy to do my part of spreading the word about our amazing sponsors, sponsorship at Hopeful Threads is about much more than that. 
Hopeful Threads sponsors provide a wide range of support from materials to work with, items to giveaway and $ to cover other expenses. Additionally, several have become very special friends and cheerleaders for our sewing and regularly help spread the word. And a few have even sewn along in participation with our projects. There is no doubt that sponsor support plays a big part in how  much we are able to give back through our Monthly Projects and I am so very grateful!

If you have shown your support for Hopeful Threads and our sewing outreach at any time over the past 2 years as a sponsor, thank you! You have been a part of the mark we are making!

Be sure and see the post from earlier this week that highlights our 2012 projects....very exciting to look back and see all that we have been able to give back as a small community!

If you have interest in showing your support for Hopeful Threads as a sponsor, for a specific project or regular monthly support, I would be delighted to share with you further. Just email me


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