Friday, November 1, 2013

November 2013 Monthly Project Announcement!

Like many of our Monthly Projects, this one has been in the works for a long while now. Melissa and I started talking about it months ago, and it's been especially interesting to watch it all unfold in ways we could never have expected or planned for. 

For November's Project, we will be making quilts, blankets and lovies for the babies of the NICU at my local Children's Hospital

This has been a long time dream of my friend Melissa from Sew BitterSweet Designs ever since her sweet daughter Anne received the comforting gift of a quilt during a hospital stay. Melissa shared that Anne was very sick, and they had to leave for the hospital without time to prepare and pack, and having a quilt waiting for them was such a blessing and comfort. 

Being a quilter herself, she wanted to find a way to give back in this special way. 
I have a local friend that is a NICU nurse, so together, we have designed the November Project to be one that will allow us to use our love of sewing and quilting to provide these comforting gifts.   

For the November Project I will be collecting and delivering the following....
Newborn/Preemie Quilts
Sewn, Knit or Crochet Receiving Blankets
Security & Sensory Lovies like Tag Blankies

There are 2 sizes that would be great. 26x30 and 1yd square. Those would fit their 2 most common beds.Thanks!!

My nurse friend, not knowing our plans, just posted on Monday how great a need they currently have for these items. I am looking forward to delivering a BUNDLE of our fabric love that will provide the babies this special handmade comfort and hopefully encourage their caregivers at the same time! 

Being that December is always a R&R month around here, this will be the final "official" project for Hopeful Threads' 2013 year. We've tried to include a way for anyone that would like to participate to be able to. Will you join Melissa & I for this project? We gladly welcome any and all participation! 

I've updated our Project Badge and have created a November Project flickr album specifically to share our donation pictures. 

Melissa and I have also been gathering ideas for tiny baby quilts, and you can find our "Baby & Preemie Quilts" Pinterest board here. There are also a variety of ideas for lovies in my "Soft Toys" board here. 

Stay tuned for lots more inspiration and surprises to post throughout the month! 
Are you ready for some Baby Love sewing??? Hope so!


Melissa said... 1

I am beyond excited about this project!

JLVerde said... 2

Ok, that's it. I've decided to creatively challenge myself.

I bought a jelly roll a week ago (on a lark) and I'm going to use it to make at least one baby quilt this month. I have an easy pattern (no fancy cuts/points) so this shouldn't be THAT hard.

This will be the first quilt I ever make. I'm nervous!

Bright Angel said... 3

I failed last month, to have any time for hat making, between a broken leg for my little miss, and two sick kids, I scarcely had time to make their costumes. I WILL be making it happen this month for this project! Very close to my heart. I have had many friends with babies and children in the hospital. I know what a comfort this is! Wonderful project! :)

Chelsie C said... 4

I have a pile of recieving blankets here and I would love to donate some!

Beth said... 5

Count me in, girls! Tiny blankets are such sweet projects, and can come together as "starters' and "enders" pretty quickly I am finding. Thanks for the inspiration. Just when I was trimming my Christmas quilting list, here you are with an addition that means so much.

Anonymous said... 6

I have three in the 20 x 20 size - crocheted - just tell me where to send them, please.

jeifner said... 7

That's wonderful. Would love to participate.

Mhairi said... 8

I wish I could afford the postage to support this. When my son was born early we were given a little quilt and matching beanie (tiny babies need to maintain body heat!) and I still have them carefully wrapped in tissue to give to my beautiful boy when he has children of his own.
Knowing the effort it takes to make a quilt this gift comforted me when I had to leave him in the hospital and reassured me that someone somewhere was thinking about me and wishing that it all went well. Thanks so much for making this your project for this month - it truly makes a difference to the parents!

bittygirl said... 9

I would like to join in. I have the pattern and fabric in mind. Can I create a rag quilt? Please let me know how I can participate and I will have my quilt in the mail soon.

Kristy said... 10

@bittygirl, yes, that would be wonderful! There wasn't an email linked to your profile for me to respond directly, so I sure hope you see this. :)Email me if there is anything more I can help you with.

em0138 said... 11

do you have a suggested size and material (ie cotton, flannel fleece etc)

Kristy said... 12

@em0138 Any size is welcome. It's been suggested that Preemie quilts can range from 18x18" - 30x30" and Baby quilts average around 36x36, so lots of options!
Thanks for your interest!

Abby@ ColorBarQuilts said... 13

I just saw this project and wondering when the quilts needed to be mailed to you? I would love to be able to whip a few up for you.

Kristy said... 14

@Abby, I plan to deliver them the second week of December, so if they can be mailed by the end of this month, or first of next, that would be great! Thanks! :)

Unknown said... 15


I'd love to participate in this, I have a couple of suitable sized quilts ready to go.. Do you have an address I can post them to?

Shevvy x

shevvyrox (at) gmail (dot) com

Rebeckah Austin said... 16

I am interested in this. How can I help?

Young in TX said... 17

Love this idea. I just started learning quilting and the ladies at church are teaching. We make baby quilts for the newborns and pallative care quilts to brighten the patients rooms. Thanks.

I don't yet own my own sewing machine but tested them at the Sew & Quilt store today. Woot!


c said... 18

at any hospital this a great project, i usually make mine a bit big so it can last the child longer

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