For our second entry into the Pillow Fight For a Cause over at Ladybird Ln. my girls and I decided to share the petite pillows we made for their little plastic friends. :)
We had just recently made a new fleece no-sew/tie blanket for my oldest daughter. We had scraps leftover and decided to also make a little blanket and pillow set for them to use with their Barbie stuff. She even cut the edges around the blanket to give it the same "shaggy" look her's has. Too cute!!!
Then, Barbie being the princess that she is, we made her a plush dot minky pillow and matching leopard minky sleeping bag....
Poor girl, she's still suffering from insomnia despite our efforts to offer her luxurious comfort. ;)
My girls were thrilled with both sets and were proud that it was something they helped make! I of course love that!
Now, if you haven't entered the Pillow Fight For a Cause yet, there is still time, so go check it out!
All the details are clearly laid out, along with an easy to follow pillowcase tutorial and a LIST of giveaway items for several lucky winners!!!
Here is a pic of the pillowcases we will be donating in honor of the Ladybird Ln. gals and their Pillow Fight For a Cause...
Each pillowcase will also have a super lush, minky lined slumber mask attached to it since we all know that hospitals can be one of the hardest places on earth to get good sleep! We hope these help! We will be delivering them to our local Children's Hospital along with the Activity Bags we are working on for this months project.
Thanks Ladybird Ln. for organizing such a fun event and encouraging and inspiring us to give back in this small way.
Many Blessings,

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