Monday, March 4, 2013

Big Daddy's XL Oven Mitt TUTORIAL!

Funny name right?
Well, let me explain....
I am a very lucky lady. Hubs does most of the cooking around here, and frankly, he's good at it! So, when he started complaining that he could never find an oven mitt to fit his large hands, and when it did actually fit his hand, it was hard to get into since the opening was small, well, I knew I had to fix that! I traced his hand, and came up with a larger oven mitt with a wider opening and made him a pile for Christmas! 
And, since it ties in perfectly with our project this month, I decided to write a tutorial with pattern and share it with you in case your "Big Daddy" would like one too. ;) It's the oven mitt I'm using this month since it will easily fit all hand sizes. 

Here's how to make your own....
Print the templates and tape together as required.

You will need fabric for the lining and outer of your mitt, along with batting and insulated batting/fleece (I used Insul-Bright). Cut 2 of each. I used muslin for the lining on all of mine. 
Keeping your lining fabric right sides together, sandwich it between your 2 batting layers and pin together as pictured. Sew around the outside edge all the way around except for the bottom, with 1/2" seam allowance.
 Quilt the outer layers and insulated fabric layers together however you choose. I'm practicing my quilting techniques, so I did a variety of different stitches on all of mine. It was fun to see how each turned out unique too. :)
Stitch your now quilted outer layers right sides together with 1/2" seam allowance. (again, leaving the bottom open!)
 Carefully clip the "V" shape between the thumb and fingers, and remove the clipping completely so your mitt will lay smoothly once turned.
 Continue trimming around the stitching of both your inner and outer pieces. I suggest using Pinking Shears for this step since there is so much rounding along the edges. This will again help the mitt to turn and lay smoothly, and will keep you from having to cut LOTS of little triangles along the curves. See my Pinking Shears tip here.

Now you are ready to turn your outer piece right sides out. Keep your inner piece wrong sides out and carefully slip it inside of the outer piece. Line up the bottom edge opening and neatly pin all 4 layers around the opening. Stitch in place. Trim neatly to about 1/4" from your stitching.
 Time for the finishing step, binding!
You can make your own binding as I did on some of mine, or the easier option is to use a package of Extra-Wide Double Fold Bias Tape. 
 Carefully pin the bias tape around the outer raw edge.
If you aren't familiar with bias tape, something important to point out you can see in the picture below, one side of the bias tape is slightly wider than the other. By placing the wider side on the INSIDE of the project you are sewing and stitching on the more narrow side, you are more likely to catch the underside while stitching. :) Handy huh? I remember the "AH HA!" moment that occurred when I first learned this! Revolutionary sewing I tell ya! ;)
 When you get to the end, simply turn your bias tape in at the raw edge and continue stitching. This can be kind of bulky, so take your time so you don't break a needle. Not that I would know anything about that. A Walking Foot or Even Feed Foot helps a lot too with the thickness of this project.
You can of course stitch the bias on with any stitch you prefer, but I have found that the 3-step zig zag works nicely to insure that both the inside and the outside of the binding are securely attached. 

Now you are ready to stand back and admire your work! And then sew another & another because they are so much fun to make!!!! :)
 They are also a quick-to-sew and perfect donation for our March 2013 Project!
Needless to say, Big Daddy is cooking in style now! :)
 Hope you Enjoy!


Karyn said... 1

Awesome Tutorial! Thanks :) I've been meaning to make the Hubster a couple new mitts for a while.

Dee said... 2

Now if only there was a tutorial for getting my hubs to cook! LOL This was a great tute, thank you. So many of them make things more complicated than they need to be...your pictures were helpful!

Mareenchen said... 3

Thanks for the tute and what a great gift for your husband! Love the cool selection of prints.

Mitzi said... 4

Great job on the mitts!

Anonymous said... 5

Oh, thank you for the tutorial! My neighbor asked me to make her some extra heavy duty oven mitts, and I think this is just the ticket. :)

Kristy said... 6

Oh how wonderful! I'm so glad it will be useful to you! Enjoy! (I'd of course love to see any that you make too.) :)

Anna said... 7

Great tutorial! Ah! Those are such cute oven mitts! :)

Sewing Mom said... 8

How awesome. Thanks for a great tutorial.

Doris said... 9

Thank you for the tutorial. Love your fabric choices.

Pam @Threading My Way said... 10

An easy to follow tutorial, Kristy and they all look great!!! I don't know why, but I always thought an oven mitt would be hard to make, now it seems super easy. Hope you don't mind, but I'm pinning this.

Pam @Threading My Way said... 11

Hi Kristy, I've featured your oven mitts tutorial today... Threading Your Way Features

Joy Burkhart said... 12

Great tutorial, Kristy! Thanks so much for sharing! Gotta make several of these for family Christmas presents this year!

All I Do said... 13

My son-in-law loves to cook & he requested I make him a "Man Mitt", LOL - so I traced his hand the other day and then this morning came upon your pattern! Thanks so much! Terri ~

happyliz said... 14

What lovely gloves. Like Joy’s message above, I too am going to make some for Christmas presents. Many thanks for sharing. Sincerely, Liz

Sarah said... 15

Hi I was wondering if you’ve had any issues with the batting when you wash the glove since it isn’t quilted? Just want to make sure when I gift mine if it can’t be washed I warn the recipient.

Gypsymaison said... 16

Pot Holder And Oven mitt is very affirmative and a great tutorial i like it very much.

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