Friday, March 1, 2013

March 2013 - Monthly Project Announcement

It's time to kick off another fabulous sewing project designed especially with the purpose of giving back to a group of the most giving people I know of!

This month we will be sewing for the people in our community that serve others regularly. More specifically, those that prepare and provide meals. This is one of those months that I'd like to encourage you to look within your own communities for an opportunity to give back. Is there a local church or community group that regularly provides meals for those in need? Does your community have a meal delivery service? A Food Pantry? Take a moment to consider who is feeding those in need around you. 

Perhaps your town/city has a Meals On Wheels program to help provide meals to Senior Citizens in their homes? Visit the Meals On Wheels Association of America here to see

Or maybe Mobile Meals is active in your community? Simply web search "Mobile Meals" + the name of your city to find out. 

We are going to be sewing to serve those that serve this month!

What are we sewing?
Oven Mitts
Hot Pads
Any type of kitchen accessory that can be handmade!

Don't have anywhere local to donate? Then you can of course send your items to me. I would be happy to include yours in my box! I will be donating my items locally, to The Love Kitchen.
This incredible kitchen began in 1986. 
It was, and continues to be a labor of love of two beautiful sisters, Helen Ashe and Ellen Turner. You can read more about this warm and generous women here. They are actually famous now! :) 
Currently, this amazing outreach is serving more than 2,000 meals a week in our community. Their volunteer-run kitchen is overflowing with people giving their time, energy and resources to help those around them. I want to encourage them in their work! I want to remind them how very important what they are doing is! I want them to be dressed in beautiful aprons, wearing and using beautiful handmade accessories while they are busy cooking up their love-filled dishes! 
Will you join me???

I've created a Pinterest album full of all kinds of kitchen-y goodness! Links to free tutorials and patterns to help inspire and guide us as we sew. Find it here, Kitchen Wearables & Accessories.

As you sew, I invite you to share what you've made and where you will be donating it in our March Project album here. 

I have all kinds of fun planned for the month and can't wait to share it with you!
If you have any questions or wish to mail your completed items to me, just email me

Love to have you grab our "Order Up!" badge and add it to your blog or website to help spread the word! Looking forward to sewing with you this month as we serve those who serve.



Melissa said... 1

I had a feeling we were doing something with aprons (why yes, I do stalk your pinterest boards to see if I can guess!) LOL I really hope I can work it in with only 14 sewing days this month for me. I hope everyone hits the goal!!!

harleywife57/ Mickey White said... 2

Melissa HAHAHA .
I was wondering what it would be this month but did not think of the pinterest stalking ! :D
Good project again this month !

Bright Angel said... 3

I have the perfect place to sew for! My church soup kitchen! I hope I have time for all of the sewing I want to do this month! :) Great project!

Anonymous said... 4

Love this idea, another great project! (So funny, Melissa stalks your Pinterest Boards to see the next project!!!LOL! She is so funny)

make.share.give said... 5

Great idea! My son and I delivered Meals on Wheels lunches one summer. It was such a blessing, but so eye-opening to know that there are people within a mile of our home that need help.

Adrianne Surian said... 6

Oh, what a sweet idea! Those who serve others area always overlooked, what a great way to give back!!

Unknown said... 7

It's a great idea!
I'll think about joining the sew-along...

Lynda said... 8

Neat idea!!

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