Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ten For Orphans Project

This is a newly developed organization that I just recently learned about. They aren't waiting around about making a difference though! 
 Ten For Orphans is serious about meeting the needs of orphans in some of the most desperate situations. Their efforts are supporting the work of Reece's Rainbow.

Here's the idea from their website...

How it Works

Ten For Orphans is seeking to unite people everywhere with the common goal of raising funds that will help facilitate orphans with special needs having a family of their own by removing one of the biggest roadblocks to the process–that of money.  If thousands of people make a small $10 donation, it can make a huge difference.  We hope that you will spread the word to your family, friends, co-workers and everyone you can.

Simple as that!
You can find Ten For Orphans on facebook and twitter.


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