Earlier this year I was given a special gift from Janet at The Empty Nest.
Janet had won a gift certificate from Natasha at Skye Reve Fabrics which she in turn gave away on her blog. Just because. I was the lucky winner! :) It was one of those things that came at just the right time to be an extra encouragement and brightener to my day and I've never forgotten her's and Natasha's kindness. It was more than just a giveaway!
Well, I just happened to open my email one day this week to find that I had won another gift certificate in a giveaway over at Dana's MADE, this time from Amanda at Modern Fabric Studio and in the spirit of paying it forward, I'm giving it away here! That's right, you can win a $25 Gift Certificate to
So, if you're a follower of Hopeful Threads, just leave a comment on this post to be entered. Any comment is fine, but to keep from all the boring "I'm a follower" comments, maybe you could share what's on your cutting table right now....mine is COVERED with pajama sets I've been churning out to be ready in time for Christmas! :) Giveaway is OPEN WORLDWIDE! I'll draw & announce the winner Thursday, December 29th. Please make sure I can reach you via your comment.
Thanks for the fun in 2011, I have so enjoyed getting to know you all, sewing with you, and I'm looking forward with excitement to 2012!

How sweet! I just got my first sewing machine for Christmas, so I'll be in need of some fabric to start trying out some creations! :)
How sweet! Mine is...covered in papers & lists at the moment. It SHOULD be covered in last minute Christmas gifts, but no, I'm procrastinating more than that even! Later today I'll whip up some headbands for my girls and fleece pants for my little guy, and some embroidered towels for my mom & sisters...
oh fun! I follow of course.
on my cutting table is... well my daughters christmas dress that is finished but needs ironing. My gspirl is getting long arms and I needed a safe place to leave it :)
My cutting table is covered with 2 motorcycle pillows in the beginning phase and lots of Christmas decorations. Those decorations keep the clutter down.
My table is covered in skirt pieces. It will never be done for Christmas! Argh! Oh well, maybe for next year?
Thanks for the great giveaway!
Merry Christmas!
I am new to sewing - so on my table is some recycled t-shirts. Thinking of making a softie for my daughter. stacyudo(at)gmail(dot)com
My table has 3 different cuts of flannel for pajama pants (they are supposed to be for Christmas, I'd better get cracking)!
Actually my cutting table is pretty empty right now, which is rare for me! I have a quilt that I need to photograph and a mini quilt that I need to bind two sides and that is it! Wrapping things up for the new year! Merry Christmas and good luck with all those PJs!
My cutting table is empty just like my cookie jar!
What a great giveaway! My table is ready to be cleaned up as I just finished a tutorial for a little sleeping bag for dolls which I just posted. Now time to clean things up!
That's sweet of you to pass it on. I don't have a cutting table yet since we're in an apartment. Maybe someday. I'm hoping to make some cute elephants like the ones you posted about recently for my girls for Christmas.
On the cutting mat is candy cane string blocks waiting to be made into a table runner. Should be finished this afternoon.
Thanks for the chance to add to the stash.
I have SWOOM quilt pattern on my cutting table and am loving it. jillfroelich@yahoo.com
Right now I have a journal cover in progress and material for another one...
I was up very late last night...or very early this morning [Depending on how you look at it :)] finishing up aprons that were given today at our school Christmas party.
The reaction made up for the lack of sleep ;)
I have lots of bibs cut out on my sewing (or right now, I'm at my mom's so I guess on her sewing table) for our next little princess who'll be joining us in March.
What a wonderful thing for you to do! My Christmas gifts are done, so now I am working on two row robins we are doing over at the Quiltandneedle.com
Merry Christmas!
How awesome of you! Right now I have a bunch of muslin fabric on my table. Etsy featured my etsy shop on their twitter and FB, so my sales went crazy for a bit. They're finally slowing down. I won some cute patterns that I'd love to have some new fabric for!
jenfur427 at hotmail.com
Last night I finished a purple jersey knit ruffled scarf as a Christmas gift. I made and gaveaway several pillowcases to the womens shelter. After Christmas I have an order for some doggie coats and a quilt that just needs to be finished. There is always something going on in my sewing room.
Hi. I love a competition. This is the last thing I made http://whatsherrymadetoday.blogspot.com/2011/12/very-girly-romper.html and I'm already thinking what I can make next.
You are so sweet! I have potholders to finish up! Thanks for a chance to win!
I am a follower under bimbi9 at verizon dot net
esterling1923 at gmail dot com
Awesome and very nice of you. I've been sewing up pretty rice bags to heat in the microwave for sore muscles or just to get warm (24 here today)! I made them with removable covers so you can wash them.
Merry Christmas!!! I hope you have a great holiday!!
My table probably has a cat laying on the tule I will make a tutu with.
Heehee, my cutting table/work table is not that bad when I read all the other comments;) Let's see (peeking over my shoulder)....I have an (almost) finished vintage inspired shirred top laying there, a pair of matching ruffle pants, a store bought ruffle dress I'm planning on cutting up to make into a skirt, a bunch of papers, my camera, my daughter's first tooth in a jar, and my sewing machine and serger. Gee, I really need to clean up here! LOL Oh and thank you so much for passing on that awesome GC! Merry Christmas!
My cutting table has a dress that I am pattern testing. I can't wait to see the finished product. I have another dress pattern to test soon, so this fabric would be wonderful! You can reach me at comfyhomecreations@gmail.com if I am the winner. Thanks for being so generous.
You name it and it's on my cutting table, but I do have some beautiful flannels over there. :)
I'm a new follower! On my cutting table right now...2 finished stockings and 2 unfinished ones. Procrastinator on holiday crafts...though not on shopping. :)
I'm, as well, a new follower! I have piles of sweet projects that are in varying degrees of done...compound mine with my ten year old granddaughter's projects that she has begun..(she's much better at completion...although i spend lots of my "finishing time" helping her finish hers!!! oh so much pride in teaching my next generation..lol...then SHE CAN finish MY projects...lolol...nice to meet you!!!
Currently- there's nothing on my cutting table right now. I did have some material for curtains that I cut and made in no time just the other day. I am hoping to get into making some cute peasant dresses for my little girls!
shanna.u at gmail dot com
I have two denim bubble skirts already cut out and waiting for me to make them for my two daughters!
sazzyfrazz at gmail dot com
On my cutting table are four doll carriers for my girls and two oldest nieces, a romper for my littlest niece and several little outfits for my kids!
I am working on SEVERAL (as in at least 40) fleece diaper covers at the moment. I'd like to get a large enough stockpile that I already have enough diaper covers before we even have our next baby.
Melissa Buckler mkbuckler@gmail.com
On my table is some material I need to cut for binding. I have two baby quilts I need to finish...soon. hehe.
Thank you for your giveaway and a chance to win. You are so generous and giving! Always thinking of others! Have a great Christmas and a Blessed Happy New Year.
What a nice thing to do! Thank you! I've got a storm-at-sea quilt on my cutting table - a wedding present that is over 2 years old, but the recipients saw pictures today and declared it well worth the wait!
My cutting table is laying on its side in a chaotic jumble of boxes and "stuff" that fills my basement. I have an excuse, though! We moved in July, but, I guess that is a long time ago which is why our #1 resolution is to organized the basement! (Mine is really to set up my crafting area!)
Well, let's see. My imaginary cutting table has a wall quilt all finished and just waiting for a binding. But I ran out of the fabric I want to use and I'm trying to track down some more.
I will have a cutting table someday. For now, it's the kitchen table when I can!
lisamerkley at gmail dot com
Wow! How Sweet of you to give away your win! :)
My cutting table is covered in wrapping paper and a couple last minute Christmas sewing projects. I'm making some rice packs and peanut pillows. Thanks for a chance to win! :)
I gave up on making Christmas pajamas about a week ago! Tonight, I have over 200 rectangles sitting on the cutting table. They're waiting to be sewn into a quilt. Luckily, I have til Tuesday to finish it.
What a great giveaway! Thanks!! I made four scarves and five hoodie towels for Christmas gifts today. Tomorrow is going to be more scarves and a skirt, lace wristlets and headbands!!
I have pj's to finish as well!
Very generous of you, Kristy!!! ... fabric for a petal flower pillow. It was going to be for a Christmas present. Maybe it'll be a New Year's present...LOL!!! Have a wonderful time with the family over the holiday season...
Thanks for the giveaway! I don't have anything on my cutting table right now.... we're rearrange and decorating the craft room! :D
ni.chern at gmail dot com
Thank you for paying it forward and sharing the joy! That is one of my resolutions this year-- to do just that! I've been so blessed this year and just want to make it a point to share those blessings -- spread the joy... :-)
My cutting table is a total mess!! LOL I've got so many projects that I've started and they're all scattered everywhere- but that is also one of my resolutions for 2012 --- get organized-- complete those UFO's! :-)
my sewing table is covered with things that won't be finished for Christmas, stuffed chairs for my kids, a christmas quilt and some finger puppets. Luckily there are always birthdays.
My sewing table is littered with mostly finished infinity scarves for various female relatives' Christmas presents.
You are so sweet! I still have a baby quilt on my table to finish for my neighbor's new baby (it's her sixth child!)
Merry Christmas to you!
My sewing machine is covered up with pieces of projects I finished since months ago. I have been running TOOOO hard to clean up after myself. (sounds like a good excuse? huh? - but here I am having time to comment on your blog :)) I keep doing more and piling it up higher and higher.
And I'll bet you've heard this before - but - next year - I'm gonna do a better job... turn a new leaf... develop a new habit :) yeah right! don't hold your breath) Life happens and you live it the best way you can :) Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas! and always remember the reason for the season.
Cathy Byrd
i am working on finishing my sons blankey as a gift and a baking set for my lil girl
Well, my cutting table is actually cleared off--I'm finishing up the quilting of a project before I allow myself to start another one :) Merry Christmas to you and your family!
My cutting table has fabric that my 12 year old son picked out to make him a new pillow case. :) It's not very often my boys want something so I'm happy to whip something up for him. You are very sweet to give away your win. Many blessings to you and your family! Merry Christmas!
I'm a follower! sadly my cutting table is packed away because we are in the process of moving :( but that last thing on it was a really cute hat!
How wonderful for you to do this giveaway. I am glad I found your blog, and I am your newest follower! Last night I was cutting strips for the binding on a wall hanging I made.
I'm about to have a baby blanket on my cutting table. It's starting with a large camo "headboard" bumper pad and I'm adding fleece to the sides to make it a baby blanket. What I'd like to be working on is the Blue's Clues skirt I started for my daughter LAST month and a couple quilts. Hope you had a great Christmas and have a great new year!!
I'm following and on my sewing table I currently have an unfinished clutch bag that I may or may not finish.
Unfortunately I had to put my machine up for Christmas - it's in the living room! My wonderful hubby gave me a new self-healing mat & an ergonomic rotary cutter for Christmas so I'm ready to start sewing. That fabric in the laundry room is just waiting on me!
unfortunately right now, my machine needs some fixing up, but the last thing I had on my table was an apron for my children! (which I had to finish with my old clunker as my machine's tension gave out due to sewing neoprene and denim together to fix a dog vest!!!! )
Sadly I have nothing. I just got a sewing machine and still need to learn how to use it. Fabric would help. Thank you for passing this forward.
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